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"If you could go back in time, where would you go?"

"Easy! The sixties! I would give anything to wear that leather again!"

"You still can..."

"Francis, don't be ridiculous!"

"What!? It's true!"

He began laughing at me as we continued to talk. We had spent a few hours at the park, and it was dark. The sun set about thirty minutes ago, and we still didn't leave. Many people had left already, but we both were enjoying the breeze and weather at the moment. "What about you?" He asked.

"Ah! I think I'd want to go back in time to see the French Revolution!"

"What? That's so weird..."

"They'd probably behead you because you'd look nice," Arthur laughed. I smirked at him and leaned closer to him. "Are you saying I look nice?" I asked. He rolled his eyes slowly and smiled. The smile caused the wrinkles from the corner of his eyes to show. "Oh, you are full of yourself," he laughed.

I adjusted my seating to face him, and I stuck my hand in the water. "Is it cold?" He asked.

"No, it is warm, oddly enough..."

"Is it really?"

I nodded at him, and he began to stick his hand inside. "You're right; it is warm," he spoke. He continued to move his hand in the water, and I watched him with a smile. I wish we could be young again so I could live my life all over again with him. That's all I wanted...I wanted more time with him.

The idea of death didn't scare me...it was the idea of never seeing him again, never remembering him, and never enjoying our time like this again. I loved him that much!

More than that!

Our life together has been amazing, and I wasn't ready for it to end yet. I wanted more...

Maybe that was a selfish thought to think?

Arthur pulled his hand out and I watched as he began to roll up his pants. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Well, we must stick our feet in," he laughed. I smiled at what he said and watched as he began to take his shoes off.



"I love you!"

I began to roll up my slacks quickly and take my shoes off as he did. He smiled at what I did and began to turn around, facing the fountain. "You are such an idiot," he laughed.

I faced the fountain as he did, and I watched as he hovered his feet above the water, closing his eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's a fountain, so shouldn't we make a wish?" He asked. I nodded at him and smiled at how his face scrunched up. "What do you wish for?" I asked.

"I wish for us to finally get that corgi I've wanted for the past ten years!"

"Arthur...we are too old for a dog..."

"We weren't ten years ago," he glared playfully. "Sorry, maybe we can adopt an old one," I suggested. He placed his hand in mine and shook his head, "that doesn't matter to me too much."

"Now! Your turn! Make a wish!"

"Me?...ah well..."

I paused as I looked into the water. I think I only wished to try being young again for a while, so I could do the activities I wanted with my beloved one last time. "I wish for us to come back here again; maybe we can bring the boys and their kids," I smiled. Arthur smiled his cute old man smile, and we both looked back at the fountain, dumping our feet in simultaneously.

I stood up in the water and pulled him to his feet. "We are going to get so wet...and in trouble," he laughed. "Wet, yes...but I doubt they'd arrest two old men like us," I laughed. I splashed water on his face, and he looked at me, shocked. "Huh! Francis!" He gasped, and I splashed him again. I laughed at his expression and watched as he slowly bent down to cup some water in his hands.

"I won't let you get away with that!"

"Oh? But you'd have to catch me, and you are super slow!" I splashed him with more water and tried to walk away, but he grabbed the collar of my shirt. I looked at him, shocked at his sudden reflex, and he shoved my head under the tiers of the fountain, drenching me with more water.

"This is what you get! Frog!"

"Pent-up anger from the last few decades, maybe?"

"You got that right!"

I looked at my drenched clothes and began to splash him some more. "Okay, that's enough horseplay; you will give me a heart attack!" He laughed.

He wiped his wet hair out of his face and used my shoulder for support to help himself get out of the fountain. "Thank you, Francis," he spoke. I smiled at him and slowly got out of the water with him. "We should start heading home; it's getting late," I spoke.

He nodded in agreement, and I helped him pick up his shoes. "Oh my, you two are drenched. Are you okay?" A woman spoke. Arthur and I turned to her, and I felt shocked. I did not see her near us at all.

"We are good, thank you," I smiled. I helped Arthur stand up and gestured for him to hold onto my arm. "Aww, how long have the two of you been married?" The woman asked. I smiled at her and laughed. "We've been together for about fifty years and married for forty-five," I answered.

The woman had long brown wavy hair with flowers to help pin it up. She seems like a lovely young lady. "How sweet, be safe going home!" She cheered. She suddenly tapped the both of us, and Arthur and I only nodded at her in acceptance. "Okay! Thank you," Arthur smiled. He still held onto me, and I helped him walk onto the path to make our way back to the car.

"How about some tea when we get home?" I suggested.

"Yes! That would be lovely, thank you!"

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