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"Okay! We were at the fountain before this happened; we should catch the train to get there," Arthur spoke. I nodded, smiling. He was walking fast toward the train station, and I followed behind. If I was going to be honest, I did not really care about our current situation. Did it freak me out at first? Yes! as it would for anyone, but now that the feeling has passed, I am really enjoying feeling young again. It had been such a long time since I last saw myself like this, and it was making me feel really melancholic.

"Can't we enjoy this for a while longer? I kind of like this," I laughed. I grabbed Arthur's arm entangling it with mine, and we walked beside each other. He turned his head to look into one of the windows of the shop beside us, and he looked concerned. "Francis...I don't know...this could be something bad, and we should fix it, what if something bad will happen the longer we stay like this?"

"Hmmm, I don't see what could...we are already old," I laughed. We both stopped walking, and he looked at me, instead of through the window. I missed seeing him this way; was that so bad? I missed looking at the husband I had fallen in love with all those years ago. I still love him no matter what, but this was exciting.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. "Let's do something first," I spoke. He lifted a brow at me, and I gave him a thumbs-up. "Like what?" He asked. Crap...I didn't think he would consider it right away. "Ummm..." I began to look around and smiled once seeing something catch my eye.

"How about that!" I cheered. I pointed toward some rentable bikes, and he turned slowly. "You want to ride a bike?" He asked. He looked at me, confused, but I continued to smile at him. This was great! I hadn't ridden a bike in so long. Neither has Arthur! It would be like a date.

"Yes! Come on! When's the last time we did?" I asked. I grabbed his hand gently and laughed as I began to pull him. "Ah! Slow down!" He laughed. He began to jog beside me as we rushed to the area where the bikes were resting.

"Perfect! They are only five pounds for an hour!" I cheered. He smiled at my enthusiasm and slowly took out his old-man wallet. Well, it was more of a coin pouch. "You aren't old anymore, why do you move so slow," I laughed. "Honestly, I'm counting," he laughed. He began to slide the coins into the slot, and the bikes released so we could grab them.

I pulled them both out, and Arthur grabbed one from me. "Damn, I haven't done this in so long, what if I'm terrible at it?" He laughed. I began to hop on, watching as he hesitantly lifted his leg over. "Come on! You can do it! Let's ride around for a bit!" I cheered.

His nervous smile was plastered across his face, and it was the cutest ever. "Ugh, why do I always let you convince me to do things?" He asked, annoyed. He was so cute!

"Because you love me!"

"Do I?"

"Yes! We are married, and you love me!"

"Ahh....we've been married long enough..."

I laughed at what he said, and he sat on the bike. He used his feet to push himself beside me, and I kept my smile up. He was perfect in every aspect. "Only for a little bit; then we have to figure out what happened to us," he spoke. "Yes! I know! Let's do this!" I cheered. 

"Okay! SEE YA!" Arthur suddenly cheered. He kicked his feet up and began riding the bike away from me super fast. How? How was he so fast?

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" I called. I kicked my feet off the ground and pushed myself forward to catch up to him. He was moving his legs fast, and I began to laugh seeing him.

The wind began to slap against my face, blowing my hair back, and it felt liberating. "Keep up with me, Francis!" He called, as I moved closer.

The people on the streets that we passed would turn their heads to watch us. I didn't care about what they could have been thinking, I felt so alive at the moment.

When I finally caught up to him, we turned the corner to this open area, where we continued to ride the bikes. I looked to Arthur, who closed his eyes a little. I smiled at him and began to shake his bike so he'd open his eyes.

"Cut it out! Frog face!"

"Frog face? I haven't heard that in ages!" I laughed. He kicked his leg out and used his foot to knock the bike's wheel. It caused me to wobble, and I knew I wouldn't be able to catch my balance. I looked down at the pedals trying to straighten the wheel.

"Francis! Watch out!" He called. I looked up from the wheel, and I saw that I was about to run into someone. "MOVE!" I tried to call. They were on their phone and had their earphones on.

The bike was still wobbling around, so I did the next best thing.

I slid the bike to the side to lessen the damage, but I ended up being tossed off it.


"Owwww..." the man groaned.

"My god! FRANCIS! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Arthur jumped off his bike and came running toward me. I was lying on the ground, looking up at the sky in pain. If I were old, that would have probably killed me.

Thank goodness...

Arthur came to me, and I began to sit up. "It's okay; I'm okay...sir! Are you okay?" I asked. I looked over at the man, and he began to sit up straight too. "I'm...okay..." he spoke.

He finally looked at me, and I could see what he actually looked like. He was blonde with blue eyes, looked about the age I was supposed to look, and had on some youthful-looking clothes. He was a kid and dressed like one, despite the weird fashion. He tilted his head at me, and I noticed his features turning a deeper shade of red.

"Hey, kid, are you okay?" Arthur asked. He helped me stand up, and I felt my knee sting a bit. "Ah, I think I hurt my knee," I spoke. Arthur looked at me worried, and I pretended to cry.

"You are hurt!? I'm sorry! I should have been paying attention! Please! Let me make it up to you and...uh..." he began to look at Arthur nervously, and Arthur gave him a blank stare. "Brother?..." the boy spoke. My eyes widened, and I wanted to laugh.

"I hate your guts!" Arthur glared. I continued to laugh more, but he shook his head. "We are married," I laughed. The boy's eyes widened, and he looked confused. Arthur then nudged me and shook his head. "He is joking! We are only friends!" Arthur corrected. Ah, he might have been wise for that. It would be weird for people to hear that we were married.

"Oh! That's cool! Uh...what's your name?" The boy spoke. He smiled at me, and I began to lift up the bike from the ground. "Francis...and this is Arthur...I hope his demeanor doesn't scare you; he is nice," I joked. Arthur had his arms crossed, shaking his head at me. "No, I believe you!" He laughed.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Haha? Kid? Uh...well, it's Ludwig..."

"Ah? Is that German?"

"Yeah! That's amazing! You knew that instantly!" He laughed. He looked a bit embarrassed, and his face was still red. I smiled at Arthur; he had a straight face the whole time. "Well, nice meeting you; sorry about running into you like this, have a great day!" I smiled. I gestured for Arthur to leave, and he began to walk back toward his bike.

"Wait! Please! Let me make it up to you! I...well...I'd like to get to know you!" He suddenly spoke. I doubt a kid like him would find hanging out with an old man like me any fun.

He suddenly grabbed my hand, and Arthur's head shot toward me. He gave me the look of death, and I immediately felt cornered. "Ah! Probably not; thank you for the offer!" I laughed. I pulled my hand away, and he looked at me sadly. I'm not going to hear the end of this!

"Oh...okay...see ya..."

"Yeah! Likewise!" I answered.

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