Chapter 1:

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Luke's POV:

Luke Skywalker was incredibly bored.

All he's done his entire life was play soccer. His dad played soccer but suffered a serious injury which left him unable to play, now pushing all his dreams onto Luke. His mother had died when giving birth to him and his twin sister Leia who is far from interested in soccer. Luke did like soccer- or more used to. But now its all the same thing over and over again, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Now its his last year of Highschool and he'll probably get a scholarship to some sports college and go from there. 

"Why do you look like that." Leia said to me while we were walking to school. It was the first day back at school, no one was in a good mood. "I look like this all the time?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"You know what I mean Luke, what's up?" she says while looking right at me. I have no idea how she can see right through me, probably a twin thing. Or just a Skywalker thing.

"I want this year to be different, I want something interesting to happen." I finally say back shrugging. I cant admit that I don't enjoy soccer anymore because she'll tell Han and then Han will tell everyone because he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. Han Solo was Leia's boyfriend and my sort-of best friend. I say sort-of because sometimes he's cool and other times he can be a real asshole.

"I'm sure something will happen" she says before heading into school, probably off to go find Han. Maybe i should go to, I haven't spoken to him in a while anyways. Before I turn to go into school someone catches my eye. Someone I haven't seen before. He has slightly unkept, brown curly hair and a soft unshaven face. He couldn't be any younger then Luke, but he had a backpack on so he must've been new. Unless he was a teacher, then that would be awkward. 

He's standing next to an old, beat up car assuming its his. its almost as bad as Han's piece of junk he calls a car. He's looking at his phone with a very worried look. Luke dies a little because he knows that this new guy isn't gonna leave his head. He looks friendly enough but before he can go up to him, the bell rings and Luke runs off not wanting to be late to class.

Din's POV:

The last year has been a shit show for Din.

It has always been him and his sister. They had been through many foster homes until she was old enough to go out on her own. She found a nice guy and even had a child. Then 4 years after the kid was born (aka the past year) they got into a fatal car crash, leaving din the only living relative of the poor kid. Din wanted to look after him so with recently turning 18, he's now the kids legal guardian. Was he financially stable for it? Not at all but he couldn;t let them take away that kid. Plus they are doing just fine and Din even found a great babysitter so he could still attend school. A new school that is.

He wasn't planning on moving to a new school but he figured it would be better for himself and the kid if they got a new start to things. 

Now he's at this new school with very new people. He arrives at the school and just as he gets out of the car he gets a text from the babysitter, Cara.

New Messages:

Cara: your kid wont stop crying

Me: Why what happened??? Is he okay???

Cara: He misses you to much, its adorable but annoying

Me: Just do your job please

Cara: I'm only doing this for the money

Oh yeah, his babysitter is in fact his best friend. She's most definitely not qualified but he can't really afford a cheaper one so he'll just have to pray that the kid is okay. 

Just as he looks up he sees a blonde boy looking at him with his pale blue eyes. Then the bell rings and he runs off without looking back. Forgetting about the blonde boy, he goes to the administrator to find out what classes he has.

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