Chapter 2:

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Luke's POV: 

Its been 2 weeks since they had started school, and Luke still hasn't gotten a chance to talk to the new kid yet. He learnt that the guys name was Din Djarin, Han had gotten a chance to talk to him but he wasn't much of a talker. Or maybe he just didn't want to talk to Han which is understandable. According to Han, Din had already made a few friends. One of them being Boba Fett who was the captain of the rugby team and enemy of Han Solo. Ever since they had gotten into a fight they have just hated each other since. Leia thinks they just needed to kiss it out.

 Now Luke wasn't a stalker or anything but he did find out a bit of information about him. Luke just knows a lot of people. Apparently, this Din guy has a kid and that's why they moved. His sister died in a car wreck a couple of months ago. Luke's heart died a little again when he had heard that, he couldn't imagine Leia dying. Now he wants to give Din the biggest hug ever, of course he wouldn't do that though because they still haven't even met.

Luke is now at soccer practice stretching with his teammates and it. is. freezing. Coach Obi-wan refuses to let them stretch inside because the cold "wakes them up" but I'm pretty sure he just likes seeing us suffer. Coach Obi-wan and my father Anakin Skywalker had been friends since way before he was born. They played soccer together but now they don't talk as much. Obi-wan pushes Luke much like his father but he has a very different approach which he appreciates a lot.

Once the team finished off stretching they started practicing, but then a group of guys started to come onto the field. Guys that were definitely not on the soccer team. They were big but the same height as the soccer team and then it clicked after seeing a familiar bald head. Boba Fett. Luke, being the captain of the soccer team went over to see why they decided to come onto the field.

"What's the problem Boba Fett?" I say as I'm walking towards his team, and then I see a very familiar head of curly brown hair. Maybe he might finally be able to talk to this guy.

"We reserved the field." Boba says dryly, "I don't remember reading that it was reserved, maybe you have the wrong day" I say back a little more maliciously then I would've liked. In the corner of Luke's eyes he see's Din smile a little at his remark. That just boosts Luke's ego more which in situations like these, isn't really the best.

"We reserved it. We have new recruits so we need it today." Now he's getting a little more angry and Luke really doesn't want to get into a fight with the man. Luke wouldn't say that he's weak but he's far from having a chance at beating Boba Fett in a fight. Not wanting for that to happen, he comes up with a compromise.

"How about we share the field for today, you get one half we get the other" I say back at him hoping that he'll agree to deal. If he doesn't then this will not end well. "Fine. Just this one time." Boba finally answers back and I smile widely.

Din's POV:

Din had made one friend fairly quickly, his name was Boba Fett. He was definitely intimidating at first but it was him who came up to Din so he guesses that's a good thing. Although, Din is pretty sure the only reason Boba wanted to be friends with Din is because he had a pretty good build and wanted him on his rugby team. Din had accepted the offer but he had a feeling he didn't really have a choice. 

At one point a scruffy looking guy had came up to Din, he was good looking but not Din's type. The guy had just started a conversation with him but Din really wasn't feeling like talking to some random person so he pretty much stayed quiet the whole time. After the encounter though, Boba had told him how much he hates that guy. His name was Han Solo and for a while he thought they were exes but he never really got an answer.

Now it's been about 2 weeks since he started and Boba Fett had dragged him and the rest of the rugby team out to the field while another team was already there. He could already feel the second-hand embarrassment that he was for sure going to get. 

Once the other team captain approached them he instantly recognised his face. He was that blondie who was looking at him on the first day. Now getting a better look at him, his eyes were a lot more blue then when he first saw them. Din's first impression of the blonde was that he seemed very confident. Not like a snobby type of confidence, but it was something to laugh at. When the blonde made Boba more angry, he couldn't help but smile a little. The guy was very amusing. 

Once Boba and the blonde made an agreement on where they would be practicing, they were off. He finally saw that they were a soccer team, and they were pretty damn good at it. He did catch the blonde guy looking at him again a few times but he didn't think anything of it. Not too much at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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