it isn't getting easier

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I woke up feeling dizzy and even more tired. I grabbed my phone to check the time and my messages. It was 6AM and there was a message from Caylum that he sent at 3AM.
"That dumbass telling me not to over do it when he's up till 4am almost every day" i said while getting out of bed.
I washed up and got dressed before heading downstairs.

 I washed up and got dressed before heading downstairs

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I made myself some coffee and took out an egg. I normally just eat a Banana or toast for breakfast but i woke up earlier today so i have time to actually make a nice breakfast.

Once my sunnyside up was done i sat down and went onto my phone.
While scrolling through my gallery, memories of last nights events started flowing in.

The thought of the 2 biggest criminals being brothers gave me shivers. I tried not to loose myself with all the theories flowing in, but i couldn't help it.

I don't trust Ace completely. After all I don't even know his name, but i'll go along with what he tells me. But if anything goes wrong I'll alert Caylum immediately, but for now im keeping it a secret from him.

After my Delicious breakfast i walked to the lounge to grab my bag and car keys so I could head to work. 

                               ★ ★ ★

I entered my office and saw my laptop open. I looked around to see if anyone could have possibly done this but everyone was either working by their desk or gone for investigations.

As i was about to walk around the table someone poped up from under my desk and 
I swear my heart stopped beating for a second or 2.

In my most calmest voice with my sweetest smile i said:
"Good morning Caylum, How are you Caylum? What are you doing in my office with my laptop Caylum?, Why are y-"

"OK! Stop saying my name so many times with that look on your face, its creepy"

I couldn't keep my cool anymore and i started laughing.

I wiped a fake tear from my eye and started speaking
"Do you need something? Or are you just here to get laughed at. Because if thats the case i could do it for hours"

"No I don't specifically need something but i am here to inform you about something" he responded

"Im listening"

He pointed at my laptop, indicating that i should have a look. I walked over and sat down on my chair and started at the screen

"Just after i messaged you at 3am i got informed that there was a secret door behind the curtains at the auction. They took fingerprints from the door handle to see if they could find anything but they had no luck. The door seemed to be really old and not used much. Not many people knew about it, Not even the Host.

So is that how he got to the top so fast...
I thought to myself

"This is a huge deal, the fact that he knew about it means that he really knew this place extremally well. Not to mention that we have no idea who switched the lights off for that short period of time."

"Could it have been set to go off at a certain time and come on again?" I asked looking away from the screen towards Caylum

"...i don't know"

"Well whatever the case is, this is alot of info. Thanks for informing me!" I said giving him a warm smile.
And with that Caylum left my office.

I sunk down in my office chair trying to process and put together the pieces. Were both Ace and Dice in the auction room when the lights went off?  But, did Dice know about Ace being there? I mean it makes sense if it was a solo job because Ace and Dice parted ways and weren't really speaking to each other, But at the same time Ace could be the one who did all of this and is lying to cover up for himself and get Dice in trouble. But he was on the rooftop alone...was he chasing Dice? That could have been it, considering that he said that he was trying to stop his brother.

i groaned and put my hands over my face.
This isn't getting any easier.

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