its showtime

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After Ace and I left the building, it was finally game time.
We hid behind the shipping containers, and as we were getting closer to Dice, i pulled out my gun.
We slowly walked towards the figure who had his back facing us.

"Ah, how nice of you to finally show up. I was starting to think you wouldn't show."
The mysterious figure said before he turned around.

I almost dropped my gun.

"Ah yes, Thank you for bringing her, Ace."

Ace slowly walked towards Dice and pointed a gun towards me.
I was frozen in place. I couldn't move, my whole body felt paralyzed.
2 of Dice's men came up behind me and grabbed my arms.

"You know Blake, i expected you to be more smart. Yet you trusted a man you hardly knew. A man that didn't even tell you his name. Well of course im not complaining, your stupidity brought you right to me. Isn't that right Blake. Or should i say...Adeline."

I thought i was being careful enough. Thought i had everything under control. But clearly i didn't.
Is this the end for me. Is this really all i could do?

"Ace, thank you for bringing her to me, because of that you can come with me to Hong Kong. Originally i wasn't going to take you with because you're...well you're you. But i have changed my mind.
As for her... Take her inside, I'll be there in a second"

Before Dice's men could pick me up, i spoke.
"You thought you had this in the bag, didn't you?"

What are you talking about"

I lifted my head and smirked
"You'll see"

And with that, the building exploded.

The 2 men holding me wasn't too much of a battle. But as i stood up more of Dice's men arrived.

Ace punched his brother and dropped kicked him to the ground. They both looked like they wanted to kill each other...

I couldn't go help just yet because Dice's men were piling up.

                                ★ ★ ★

It took abit more effort to fight off the rest of the guys.
As i was finishing the last guy off i heard a gunshot.

I ran towards the 2 brothers.
Ace was on the floor while Dice was making a run for it.

I shouted while nearing him.

"Ace, you need a doctor now!"
I took off my jacket and placed it on the wound applying pressure to stop the bleeding but it wasn't working.

"Blake... Go after him. If he gets that boat moving, you'll never find him again"

"Ace no, I'm not leaving you here, you're bleeding way to much im calling an ambulance right now"

I was about to pull out my phone but a hand gripped my wrist.
Please...go after him. I'll be alright"

"I promise i will come back for you."
And with that i ran after Dice.

I got onto the boat but couldn't find Hayden anywhere. 
But all of a sudden He crashes into me and i feel glass shatter on my back.

As i struggled for breath i could feel blood seeping from the wounds in my back when the glass pierced my skin.
I got on to all fours and looked up. He stopped Infront of me and a knife clutched in his hand.

Without hesitation i pulled out the knife from my belt and stabbed him in the side. As he collapsed he swung his knife towards me cutting a deep gash in my arm. His scream echoed as i struck his thigh with my knife. He doubled over in pain and i saw my chance. I tackled him to the ground and pinned him down.

"Who would have known that things would have ended up like this"

"Is that sarcasm i hear?"

"You decide" he chuckles

"Even at a time like this you still can make jokes?"

"Yeah, because i know..."

All of a sudden there's a sharp pain in my abdomen. 

"I always win" he smirks

He pushes me over and goes towards the steering wheel of the boat.

I pull the knife out and groan in pain.
My whole body felt so weak.
But this wasn't 110%.

I managed to get myself up and walk towards Dice.
Without hesitation i stabbed his lower back.

He screamed and almost fell onto the ground. But he kept his balance and turned around.
"Why don't you just die you dumb detective, you have no chance against me anyways. So why are you still trying?" He says while gripping my collar.

"To be honest i don't know why I'm still trying, why I'm fighting till death. But i do know something."

"Whats that?" He asks gripping my collar even harder

"Your guard was down"

And with that i kicked his groin and tackled him to the ground. I picked up my knife...
But i didn't stab him.

"What's wrong detective? You can kill me once and for all, isnt that what you wanted?"

I threw my knife to the side and fell over besides him.

" intention was never to kill you. Where's the fun in that? If i killed you, you wouldn't have to face any punishment."

He never replied.
He fainted from the loss of blood.

I was too weak myself to get up.
My body was shutting down and i could feel my eyes getting heavy.
Before my eyes could completely shut. I heard sirens in the distance.

'i did put in 110%...right?'
Was my last thought before everything faded into darkness.

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