12. Answers for everyone

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Alcina lay in bed thinking about the day and she still couldn't believe what she'd been told. Xavier told the witches to come back tomorrow for her answer but she already had it. She would stay with her pack, not the people who abandoned her and allowed her to be abused. In the pack she was safe and cared for. She knew nothing about the witches. The red of the night was filled with anxious thoughts and stress. She needed answers. When the sun finally came up and Xavier began to stir she slipped out of bed and started to shower. Moments after she stepped in and washed her hair Xavier stepped in with her.

"Good morning gorgeous." He said kissing her wet cheek. "Are you ready for the day?"

"Yes. I know what I want and what my answer is gonna be. I want to stay here, with my family. I also think we should call the elders. It's time the packs are united and required to follow the same laws." She said turning and looking up at him.

"So you're saying?" He trailed off.

"I'm saying it's time for the king and queen to step in and make packs fall in line. If they had been united before then I wouldn't have suffered. My parents, my home pack, who knows how many witches, they'd be alive if we had someone to lead us all." She stated matter-of-factly. She watched as Xavier thought it through before nodding.

"You have a point. Are you sure we are the ones to do it?" He questioned, unsure of the future.

"We have the power to. It's time to deal with the problems before they are at our doorstep causing problems." She answered and stepped out wrapping a towel around her. She got dressed and went to eat breakfast.

"Luna, one of the witches is here for you." John told her through the mindlink. She sighed and finished her eggs before heading to her office.

"Bring her to my office." She answered and sat down looking at her paperwork and getting started. A moment later there was a knock. "Come in."

She looked up to see the woman called Elvira step into her office. She quickly sat down in front of the desk and waited to be acknowledged.

"Elvira, morning." Alcina said and went back to work.

"Alcina. I've brought someone with me today. Would you like to see him?" Elvira smirked an evil smile.

"I have questions first. Like how the hell did Eli survive? I watched as they jumped on him before Zane carried me off." She put the papers on the desk and leaned back, eyeing the witch.

"We were able to kill the wolf who attacked him before they killed him. Your mother wasn't so lucky." She answered.

"Why didn't ever come for me?" Alcina asked holding back the tears.

"We couldn't. Most packs hunt witches. In order to get to you, we had to trek across four hostile territories, and then if we survived we would've had to fight off an entire pack just to get to you. Marie decided the cost far out weighed the benefit." Elvira leaned back, relaxing slightly. Alcina took all of this into consideration.

"Bring him in. I want proof my brother is alive." Alcina demanded and prepared herself. Seconds later a brunette man barely two years older than her walked through the door. He had hazel eyes and three scars that ran from his hair down the left side of his face. The wound was clearly mate by claws and flashes of that day started coming back to her. Holding her gaze to his for a moment she looked down at her desk.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Elvira smiled and left the room.

"Ali, look at me please." Eli finally spoke and she looked up at him.
"I've missed you." He said stepping around the desk and she slid her chair away from him. He lifted a hand to touch her face and she flinched making him drop his hand and frown. "Alcina?"

"I just wanted to be sure. I wanted to be sure they weren't lying to me." She said standing up and walking across the room, creating a safe distance between the two.

"They weren't. I'm alive. I've been with them this whole time. Learning, training, trying to be stronger for you." He said taking a step in her direction. "You should come home sister."

His statement made her head shoot up and she looked at him. He wanted her there with him.

"I am home, brother. And no offense but I don't know you. I don't know them. Why would I leave my people, my pack, for them?" She snapped staring in disbelief. Their mother always said witches were trouble makers. They used wolves for body guards and entertainment and made vampires out of curiosity and boredom. Now they wanted her. Like hell!

"Sister, these-these animals can't protect you. Look at what's already happened. They couldn't protect us then and they damn sure can't now. It's just us now." He said walking all the way to her. He picked his hand up and touched her face.

"These people are my people. Xavier protects me and I protect him. They are my family and the only reason I survived. What do witches want with me anyways?" She asked shoving his hand away.

"To train you, teach you our ways. The ways our Mather turned her back on for a fleabag." He snapped and Alcina was taken aback by his harsh words.

"They've corrupted you. That fleabag was our father. He gave his life trying to save you! I watched as they ripped him apart! How dare you? And train me? I'm no witch. Nor do I want to be. You need to leave." She screamed at him and went back to her desk.

"Alcina, if you deny them, it will start a war. Hybrid or not, you belong to us." Eli stood in front of her desk and waited.

"I belong to Xavier. He is my soulmate, my other half. I wont leave him. If they want me to train they can send a witch to stay here and train me. I'm not going anywhere." She shuffled through her papers.

"Then war it is, baby sister. War it is." He turned on his heels and stomped from the room. Alcina let out a sigh and slumped back before Elvira came back in.

"Tell me you didn't. Tell me you didn't just deny the coven that keeps your rotten ass safe. We protect the borders between here and the bloodsuckers. Without us you would all be dead!" Her voice steadily rose to a yell. Before Alcina could answer Xavier came in looking as though someone had taken something he loved.

"Elvira, why are you screaming at my mate?" He said immediately taking his place by Alcina's side. Elvira stiffened.

"Because she belongs to us! If we don't get her then we go to war, Xavier. We witches will destroy you." She seethed.

"Then war it is. You could always send someone here to train me. I'm about to be a queen. No one owns me. And are you so sure your queen would be happy about you offending your most powerful ally? I can stop the persecution of witches." Alcina said sitting back and crossing her hands over her belly. "Besides, I can't leave. I'm pregnant."

Without another word Elvira stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Xavier leaned over her shoulder and rubbed the small knot that had risen over the past few days.

"Time to call the elders?" Xavier asked looking over at her. She simply nodded. He quickly dialed the number and hit speaker on the desk phone.

"Hello, this is elder Xander." A voice answered after three rings.

"Elder Xander, this is alpha Xavier and Luna Alcina. We were calling to inform you of our decision." Xavier waited for a reply. After a moment of silence the voice returned.

"We are all present. Continue alpha." The voice demanded.

"We have decided that you were right. It's time for royalty to return." Xavier answered and waited again. The elders started silent for awhile before saying.

"We will start the preparations for your coronation."

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