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Oliver scrubbed the floor with the wet mop, dragging it in circles, making the mop go in all sorts of patterns and making all the dirty stains on the floors disappear. While Rin was scrubbing of the stains they accidently spilled in their room.

"It's almost 7.30."

Oliver groaned "They expect us to clean up all this mess? Why couldn't we do it in the afternoon or something!"

Rin signed "Stop whining it's our fault for making the room a mess. Between we can't just say no if we want to stay here and have at least a decent life."

"Ri-ri~ you really should stop talking like a wise old man!"

"Haaah...I'm just saying the truth and you're the older one."

"And that's exactly why you should not talk like a wise old man! I can't expect my 2-minutes-difference younger brother to be older than I am!"

"Why are you that defensive about not being the old talking man?"

"EH?! I'm not!"

"Pffft... just go back to cleaning or else we will be very late for breakfast."

Oliver gasped dramatically "Why didn't you say so?! Now all the other kids are gonna eat my breakfast!" He resumed his frenzy scrubbing, with a grimace on his face when the thought of food being eaten by the other little kids comes to mind. Rin just watched his brother being dramatic, resuming his scrubbing of the drawers.

Finally, when they were done it was already 7.38.

"Liv, put away that mop and wash the bucket. Here's the rag." Rin threw the old worn-out rag into the half-filled bucket his brother was holding.

"Yes, sir~" said Oliver already dashing to the bathroom careful not to spill anything on his way and almost bumping into the bathroom door. Banging the bathroom door open with his leg. Rin looked at the poor door 'Ouch'.

"Rin! Where should we put the bucket?" yelled Oliver out of the bathroom, quickly walking towards his brother. Stopping before his brother, he dumped the bucket and rag in Rin's hands. "You still need to make your bed, Oliver. The bucket should probably be outside, with the rag." said Rin holding the bucket, chucking the rag into the bucket looking at his brother that's happily walking towards his own bed.

Oliver stood before his bed, taking the pillow and fluffing it up, laying it neatly by the bedhead and laying his light blue blanket in place. Rin saw his brother patting the bed a few times till his brother looked somewhat satisfied.

"I still don't understand why you like patting the bed after making it." Rin mumbled while walking to the door still holding the bucket his brother dumped into his arms. Holding the bucket in his left hand, Rin opened the door with his free hand.

"Oi! Wait for me Ri-ri~!" came Oliver running after his brother, closing the door behind him. He skipped happily towards his brother. Rin put the bucket down in the big hallway. The hallway to the building looked between plain and fancy, white walls and dark wooden floors with a long dark grey carpet. With some hanging lights on the high ceiling.

There is a pure white door at the end of the hallway with the number 055. The brothers room also has a pure white door, the number on their door is 054. On the opposite side of the brother's room there is also a door, the same colour with the number 056.

"Hmph I still don't like how they gave us the room close to the end of the hallway!" said Oliver, pouting a bit of the thought of not having a room close to the staircase. "Stop pouting, it doesn't look good on you." Rin answered in response, facing his brother. Oliver blowed a raspberry at Rin, turning away from his brother. "Come on, Rin! I'm hungry." "Yeah, yeah I'm coming." signed Rin running after his brother.

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