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Percabeth breaking up (I know I'm evil)

Percy p.o.v

It was a normal day. Annabeth and I were walking down to my cabin when she suddenly stopped. "Sit for a moment Percy." I noticed that she called me by my name and not by a nickname. We sat on a rock. "I need to talk to you." I looked at her and saw a tear racing down her cheek. "What's up, wise girl?" she shook her head. I was worried now.

"Just don't." then she started talking quickly. "Imbreakingupwithyou." I thought I heard wrong. "What?!" she looked at the ground.

"I don't feel it anymore. I'm sorry Percy." she stood up and ran to her cabin. My brain tried to process what just happened. Annabeth had broken up with me. I raced to my cabin and dived into my bed. I cried for hours. She was my best friend. My second half. My soulmate. The fates were cruel. We were happy but then they just had to tear us apart. I cried myself to sleep that night.

Annabeth p.m.

I had to do it. As soon as I finished speaking, I sprinted back to my cabin. It hurt too much to see him. I just didn't feel that we were that "perfect couple" anymore. The magic had died. When I told him I'm pretty sure I broke Percy's heart. I just didn't feel the same way about him anymore. I started to cry. Some of my younger siblings looked shocked but the older ones knew what had happened. In a strange way I felt free. No more having to put up with Percy's dumb comments or some of his dumb friends. Or the dumb beach. I slept well that night.


Percy p.o.v

What was the point of life if I no longer had Annabeth? There wasn't any. I wrote a letter to the camp and placed it on my bed. Then I walked out of my cabin. I walked to the climbing wall. It was high up. It was so early in the morning that no one up yet and it was still dark. I climbed up the wall until I got to the top. I sat and took a last look at camp half-blood. I would miss it. Then suddenly an image started to form next to me. Achlys rose from the mist. "You are pained. In such misery!" she looked the same as ever. Her cheeks were bleeding and tears streamed down her face. In her hands Achlys clutched the shield of Hercules. "Go away." my voice was hollow. "Leave me be." the goddess simply bowed her head and disintegrated. Good. I thought. Now I can do this in peace. I slowly stood up. I had nothing on me. I looked to the sky. I knew the gods were watching. I thought of those I would see soon. Silena, Charlie, Bianca, Zoe, Luke, Ethan, caster, Michael, lee, Dakota and so many more. I took and deep breath and jumped.

Annabeth p.m.

I woke to screaming. "Someone get help! He's died! Gods dam it! Help!" I rose quickly and sprinted outside. Piper, Leo and Nico were all around the bottom of the climbing wall. There was a broken form. A body. My insides turned to ice. Had someone really jumped? Will solace ran over and leaned over the body. He looked to the others and shook his head. Piper wailed and fell to the ground. Leos body racked with sobs. Nico screamed in agony of losing another. I slowly walked closer. Who could cause this much pain? Then I saw the messy, black hair. The sea green eyes. I fell to my knees. "Percy?" I sobbed. I knew why he had done it. Chiron galloped over. He bowed his head and I could see tears running down his face. This was all my fault. His body was lifeless. His eyes were looking straight up into the sky without seeing anything. I couldn't be here. No when I was to blame. I ran to his cabin. It was just like it usually was. Wrappers were strewn all over the ground and his shield hung on a wall. His sword was sitting on his desk in pen form. It mustn't have returned to him now that he was gone. I numbly moved over to his bed. There was a piece of paper. No 2 pieces of paper. On said to camp and the other...

No. just no. it said to Annabeth. I opened it and it read:

Dear Annabeth,

I could blame you for this but I wont. It was my decision. Please give the other letter to Chiron to read to the others. Tell everyone I'm sorry. I couldn't go on knowing you would be part of my life anymore. My will is in my other letter. I know you probably won't care now that I'm gone. I would either if I was you. Just know that you were always my one and only.

Love, Percy.

I fell to the floor sobbing. He was gone. It was my fault no matter what he said. I ran to give the other letter to Chiron.

~~~~~~time skip brought to you by my evil heart~~~~~~

I pulled on my black dress and followed my cabin mates to the beach. There was a sea green shroud with pear lining. In the middle was a trident. Sally, Paul, Estelle and Poseidon were in the front row. As were Tyson, Leo, Piper, Grover, Will, Rachel, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Jason and Chiron. Nico go up to the front and pulled Percy letter out from his pocket. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. "This was the last words from Percy. He was 19 years old and was a friend to all. This letter contains his finale will and wishes." He cleared his throat and began to read:

"Dear camp half-blood, Mum, Paul, Estelle and Dad,

I know my loss will hit you hard. I'm sorry but I could not go on. My heart was too broken. I hope you all live long. I'm sorry to all my friends and family. This was not your fault. Please take mercy on the person when they decide to tell you why. It may not be for years but I have faith that they will do it. I love you all. Just know I will be with the other now. The fallen soldiers. I will tell them you say hello. Also, Nico: you know who first gave me the mini figure. I love you all.

From, Percy.

My finale will:

All my money and cloths go to my parents.

My sword goes to the seven.

My Hades mini figure goes to Nico.

My camp necklace goes to Annabeth.

Everything else gets donated to camp."

Nico put the paper back into his coat. Estelle sobbed into her mother. Piper held onto Jason while a tear slipped down his face. Hazel's face was in her hands while frank hugged her. Leo and Reyna sat next to each other hugging (AS FRIENDS) and sally and Paul seemed to have no tears left. Poseidon was openly crying. Nico and will held onto each other. I have caused all this pain and suffering. I ran to the climbing wall. No one stopped me. I climbed to the top and yelled out "it's my fault Percy died! I broke up with him and drove him into this! I didn't know this would happen!" tears raced down my cheeks. Sally ran over. She looked up at me sensing what I was about to do. "Come down. Please Annabeth. Let's talk this out. He wouldn't have wanted this." Her voice was calm. Hazel and Piper ran over crying.

"Please don't!" Hazel couldn't even speak. Piper's charm speak failed. I closed my eyes and jumped.

Piper p.o.v

I screamed. Jason looked over and harnessed the winds. It only slowed her descent. I ran forward ready to catch her. I was just too slow and Annabeth's head hit the ground. I sat next to her body until will was next to me and I moved. He checked her vitals. "Guys prepare a bed in sickbay!" about 5 Apollo kids raced off. I stayed. I couldn't leave her. "She will live." I sighed. Sally wrapped me in a hug. I cried. I just couldn't handle anymore. "Will Annabeth be, ok?" Sally leaned close to my ear.

"Physically she will be fine. But we need to help her emotionally." I nodded. I would do anything to help my friend.

Word count: 1431

this is officially the longest chapter I have ever written! In any book. I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know what you want the next one to be! Also do you think this one was evil enough? *Evil laugh* please forgive me! I might not update for a while after this. I've got a lot of books to update.

- Mini Hermes out!

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