Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to @stellina79 for being the first person to vote for this story, thank you so much!

~Story Start~

            Lounging on my living room couch, I flipped through the TV channels, bored out of my mind. Today had been restless. And not even the restless as in you are so bored that you can't sit still and get restless because you don't know what to do. This was different. It was strange.

            Overnight I had woken up from a dream that had my heart pounding in my chest and I couldn't get back into a good sleep again after that. I woke up early in the morning and had a quick breakfast of peanut butter and toast but my mind was spinning and my wolf was not helping. She was whimpering almost like she was in pain and pacing around in my head like she was waiting impatiently and acting like we were going to be electrocuted if we touched things wrong. It was all just giving me a headache.

The worst part about it was that she wasn't even speaking to me she was so buzzed up on I don't even know what.

I thought to go for a run in human form to get rid of this extra energy she and I had. I didn't trust her in wolf form because I was afraid that she would completely take over and I didn't know what she would do.

Everyone seemed to know about the arrival of the Iron Claw's now. I heard bits of conversation every time I passed people and that was the popular topic of the day. From what I got, they came in late yesterday evening and were going for a tour of the territory today and having a meeting for the Alphas in the evening and the big bonfire to celebrate the alliance was tomorrow night in the big yard behind the pack house.

After I had been gone for an hour, I came home no less anxious than before but 1000 times sweatier.

My parents had both left by the time I got back and the empty house seemed to make me feel even buzzier. Eating changed nothing; food didn't even taste very good to me at the moment. I took a long shower and treated myself to a soak in some relaxing bath oils and salts. After I completely treated myself to a full spa treatment from head to toe to try to calm down my wolf, I rolled my eyes in frustration when she didn't even appreciate how pretty and cleaned up we looked afterwards.

I even tried to focus my brain by picking up a pen and trying to do the newspaper crossword puzzle. I got two words after 10 minutes before I gave that up.

It was 7 o'clock now.

Clarissa and Megan group texted me saying I should go to Megan's house so we could all have a sleepover and girls night in tonight. Her parents were going to some kind of function in the city and wouldn't be back till tomorrow around noon so we would have the house to ourselves.

My parents were both busy and out of the house today so I had no ride there and I didn't want to run in my wolf form and carry all of my things awkwardly in my mouth, getting all dirty and covered in slobber. So Clarissa offered to pick me up on her way out.

As if on cue, there was a knock on my door before it opened and I heard her call inside, "Scarlett! Where are you girl? Meg's got ice cream and Netflix all ready to go and waiting for us in her lady cave basement pad!"

I smiled as I quickly turned off the TV and jumped off the couch to make my way to the front door. I had packed my bag earlier and had it sitting by the door ready to go. Clarissa stood in my front room looking effortlessly gorgeous, as always, in fitting blue jeans and a cozy bulky knit sweater and flip-flops. I was in a similar outfit but I feel like I just didn't pull it off to quite the same sexual appeal.

"Hey, thanks for coming to pick me up," I said as I turned off the lights and grabbed my bag, following her out the door to her sleek looking Honda Civic.

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