Birthday Special

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Today is special for Me! It's My Birthday 27th Of NOV and I wanna say thank you for all the views on this account and my other @MusicPeaceReader  Thank you so much!


Shower you in love and gifts

Plan a little Date night for a celebration 

Take you out shopping

Spoil the living hell out of you


Make you breakfast

Endless amount of hugs

Take you to your favorite place 

Take you dancing 


Cuddles you until you feel like waking up

Takes you out to the garden for a nice stroll

Have a picnic under a tree on a hill

Treat you with unlimited amounts of love and affection 


Gives you gifts 

Plan a surprise party with the others

Hugs you and kisses you a lot 

Makes the day about you


Has a calm day with you

Surprising you with little gifts along the day

Makes a special night planned (MOVIE AND CUDDLE NIGHT)

Hugs you a lot 

A/n: This is what I spent a quarter of my day doing but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!   

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