No Rest For The Weary

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Allow it to melt through the top of your skull
And run fire through your veins,
And once it escapes your fingertips
Allow it to stream like the rain.

Cry! That it may make off into the streets
The possession of those in need
Howl! That it may crawl up their spines
And into their mouths bleed.

Once they are done, they will be new
It may move on to the next.
Yes, "their eyes are gone," but fear not!
Each body is humored and hexed.

It may crawl back into the Earth again
Or erupt into the air,
However it may not touch another
For no one was left there.

Waste not your life with searching
For it, neither those left dead,
Recover yourself, halt your screams
And clear the smoke from your head!

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