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"Dixiestar, some stupid cat by the border wants to see you. Cracker is his name."

Dixiestar nodded. "Bring him here."

You spin around to see Cracker waiting at the entrance. "Dixiestar! Lemme join yo Clan!"

Dixiestar didn't speak for a moment. "Uh... okay. Yeah. We're always open for strays..." she said as she cleared her throat. "LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO EXIT THE NURSERY GATHER HERE FOR A CLAN MEETING!"

The clearing was soon filled. "Cats of MeadowClan, this young one here wants to join. I know, short notice, doesn't even know you cats names... but, yeah, welcome, Cracker."


You are given an apprentice named Dragonpaw. He's very excited, but what should you do first?

Something easy, you say? Turn to page 10

Something hard? Turn to page 11

Choose Your Own Adventure  - MeadowClan ModeWhere stories live. Discover now