Ch. 8

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A note on Ardoni ages in this fic: I'm working on the assumption that it takes them roughly twice as long as humans to reach adulthood. I figure that since they live so long, they might age slower, too. So just divide an Ardoni kid's age in half to get a comparable human age.

Ok, back to the story.


The Ataraxian leaders arrived at the forge within the hour.

There were three of them, Galleous had told Ingressus. Two Ardoni; a Sendaris and a Nestoris, and a Felina. He hadn't seen any of them yet, but the minute Galleous had gone out to speak with them Ingressus had trailed behind, eavesdropping on their conversation from behind the cave wall.

"You know why we're here," one of them said.

"I do," Galleous replied, calm as ever.

"Well, then... what is your explanation?" A female voice this time, that must've been Heralas Nestoris. Ingressus could almost imagine the look on her face just from her tone: incredulity, disbelief, probably gesturing helplessly at the air.

"There isn't much to explain," Galleous said. "I found the boy washed up at the mouth of the river, unconscious and half-dead from cold. I brought him back here and tended to his injuries."

"The Voltaris looked perfectly fine in the marketplace, by all accounts," the first voice said. "How long ago did you find him?"

"A month and a half ago, roughly."

"A month and a– you've been tending to him and keeping him hidden for a month and a half? Why?"

"Do you know who the current Champion is?" Galleous questioned.

"Yes, your brother," Heralas answered after a pause. "Which makes it even stranger that you would help a Voltaris."

Ingressus imagined Galleous folding his arms at his next words. "On the contrary, that is the reason I did it. This child– and, I am sure, others like him– lost everything he had thanks to my brother's pointless obsession. I felt responsible for Ingressus because of this, and since Thalleous will not see reason, it has fallen to me to make up for his actions."

Heralas gave an incredulous snort. "What, do you intend to take him in as your own?"

"I would not be so presumptuous," Galleous said. "But to abandon Ingressus on the mainland and say 'good luck' would be a death sentence. If I were to do that, then what would be the point of rescuing him in the first place?"

"Your brother will not see reason?" the male voice said. "The Voltaris have been our enemies for centuries! For all you know, he came here as part of an attack. Or maybe he holds you responsible as well. How do you know he didn't come here to get revenge? You have put yourself in danger along with all of Ataraxia!"

Do not punch him, do not punch him—

A third voice spoke up, one that so far had been silent. "I don't claim to be well-versed in Ardoni politics," he said. "But so far, we have been speaking about this Voltaris in the attempt to decide his fate. Yet none of the three of us have even met him, and we know next to nothing about his situation. How can we make a just and informed decision without even speaking to the child in question?"

"The Voltaris—"

"I am sure you know more about this clan than me," the Felina interrupted. (Remus, Galleous had said? Which meant the first voice was Tiris Sendaris.) "Before today, if you had asked me how many Ardoni clans there are, I might not even have known to say five. Yet, it troubles me how quick you are to assume that this Voltaris– this child– has hostile intentions. How can you claim to know this child's nature, or his intentions, purely based on the history of his clan? For all we know, he is a runaway from his clan for the exact reasons you would condemn him for. Galleous, may we meet this child?"

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