You're on your period

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-Has no idea what to do
-Tries to play it cool
-Is legit terrified of your moodswings
-Will get you anything you ask for
-He would offer to buy you pads or tampons and would get overwhelmed because he doesn't know wich ones to buy
-Extra cuddles

-Teases you a lot
-Stops when he sees tears forming in your eyes
-Is too embarrassed to buy pads or tampons
-Will share a Push-Pop with you
-Will watch a lot TV with you while snuggling
-Loves it when you get bossy with him or the others

-Feels really bad that you're in pain and he can't do anything about it
-Will look after you a lot
-Makes you tea
-Would pet your head or play with your hair
-Beats up anyone who dares to tease you
-Is scared of your moodswings
-Gets you everything you want

-For a change not confused
-Will try to cheer you up with jokes or tricks
-Is not embarrassed to buy Pads or tampons and would even know wich ones to buy
-Honestly so cute
-Keeps pressing his lips to your lower stomach and tells the pain to go away
-Movie nights

-Understands (obviously)
-Gets you everything you need
-Loves to stroke your cheek to calm you down
-Watches a lot of funny videos on YouTube or TikTok with you
-Eats snacks with you
-Closely listens to everything you say

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