They walk in on you changing

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He would close his eyes immediately and would stutter while blushing madly. He'd turn around and leave quickly while apologizing profusely.

„Hey (Y/N), got a moment to- OH GOD I'M- geeze, I- hold on" he turns around and lightly chuckles to himself.
Sorry I didn't know you were changing darling".

Snake would stare for a moment but then relax and close the door behind him. He'd ask if he could stay but will leave if you say no.

„Well, what do we have here? Mind if I stay a bit?"

I feel like he would literally scream (like a really high pitched scream) and close the door with a loud slam. When you leave your room to talk he would apologize over and over again.

„Hey (Y/N), sorry to interrupt I- GYAAAAOOOMYGOD *slam* I'm so sorry, so SO sorry"

He would stop in his tracks and look at you for a second before blushing and looking away. He wouldn't leave though. He'd just turn around or cover his eyes while continuing to talk to you.

„(Y/N) did you know that- oh sorry *covers his eyes* did you know that humanity has stopped evolving?"
(Be More Chill Reference xD)

She covers her eyes but would try to keep talking. She would stutter a lot until she eventually gives up and leaves.

„Hey (Y/N) do you think we could- woah, hey I- jeez, sorry you think we could like, o-only if you want to of course, like, you know know what? I'll come back later.

The bad guys preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now