Mauled by you

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Prov: 🔦N.Fredbear🔦

No matter how far the dark forest goes he's always behind me and Always right there between me and the light of the sun I tried to confront the darkness and it answered back with silence the more I questioned the more angry and aggressive it got I don't know how long I got till it consumes me and I have yet to find out as the darkness was about to swallow me whole yet- something was keeping it from eating me whole and I can't help but wonder if the light was protecting me from it, the more I questioned myself the less it got answered and I can't help but wonder why I admired them for protecting me, I wish I could look at my protectors eyes and tell them I thank them for being there and yet no one else was here, I wished for sweet sound of the rivers and animals outside the nightmare realm we called home yet- it wouldn't be possible without them freaking out about monsters running around and still it hurts to only wish for us to be free, nightmare was roaming around less angry for some reason and I have yet to understand why maybe one day I'll figure out what's up with him
Note: Whew finally got the motivation to push out a chapter I had testing for school I hate math so much and yes I've been feeling better,enjoy this meaningful chapter- Firefox 🎄

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