Chapter one

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"A tall iced caramel macchiato to go, please" I respond to the bartender when he asks me what I want to order. I look at my phone and I see eleven missed calls from my best friend Aylee; she's probably wondering where am I and why I left the apartment so early this morning. I call her and she answers me whit a sleepy voice.
"Where are you Rocky? I was freaked out when I woke up and you weren't here" she screamed on the other side of the phone. "I'm at Starbucks I was grabbing breakfast before work, what do you need?" I tell her with a calm voice.
"Here, that'll be $4.25" the bartender says while handing me my drink. "Keep the change and have a good day" I respond giving him $5 while heading out in a rush.
"Did you just spend $5 for a coffee?" I suddenly hear in my ear. "It's not a coffee and let me live, man. What do you need?" I say. "I was thinking, shouldn't you be at Sam's tonight? It's Thursday and you're there every Thursday night, but you didn't write it on the calendar" she tells me with a curios voice. "Yes, I should be. He's work to do so we're going to skip this week's dinner" I say. "Did you two broke up? Cause if you did and you didn't tell me I'm gonna be mad" she asks me. "No we didn't break up, we just took a break. He's busy with work and I am too so I won't even notice" I say. The thing is, I walked in on him making out with a guy; I'm not homophobic but he's my boyfriend, you know? He shouldn't have cheated on me even if we weren't as close as we were before. Now I can't even look at him, but i won't tell Aylee cause she would kill him, and I certainly don't wanna out him so I'll keep it for me. "Are you ok? do you need something?" she asks with a point of pity in her voice. "I'm fine but I'm late for work, I'll text you later, bye". I hang up. I'm not sad, I knew we were going to break up sooner rather than later but we've been together for three years so it's still hard, you know. Twenty minutes later I find myself in front of my office, I've listened to Taylor Swift since I woke up so now I'm in a sad mood but it'll pass as soon as I start working. When I walk in the room Jeremy hugs me. "Aylee told me everything, how are you?" he asks me with concern. I shouldn't be surprised, they've been dating for 7 months now, but I wasn't expecting her to tell him, he's still my brother. "I'm fine don't worry about me. Let's paint!" I say whit a fake smile on my face. He notices it but doesn't say anything. My brother and I are both artists, like our parents were. We just opened a little art studio in New York; we paint and we're happy, that's all we needed. I start working on a new project, there will be three paintings that are going to be about the three major phases of life: childhood, adulthood and old age. My model for this paintings will be my mom. She's always been the person I looked up the most so she's the perfect person for this project. At ten am sharp she'll be here, I look at my watch and I still have ten minutes before she arrives so I start prepping everything. Ten minutes later my mom rings the door bell, I let her in and greet her with a huge hug. "Hey Rocky it's good to see you" she says with a lovely voice. "Hi mom, good to see you too. I missed you" i tell her. I start from the "adulthood paint". She's fifty-five so I still don't consider her old. After 3 hours I finally finished the drawing so I take her outside for a walk and we can both stretch our legs. I've always loved walking with her in central park since I was a little kid. "What's up with you Rocky? You know you can tell me everything right?" she asks with concern. "I kind of broke up with Sam" i confess. "Oh i'm sorry honey. Can I ask you why?"
"I caught him cheating on me but don't tell Jeremy please, he would kill him"
"I won't don't worry. There's something more. What is it?"
"I don't know, mom. I knew breaking up with him was the right choice. Hell, I was going to break up with him las Thursday when I went to his house for dinner, and when I saw him cheating on me I was kind of relived."
"Don't question yourself too much, just live your life. You're almost twenty-five years old, this is the best age you are going to be in all your life time. In two weeks it's your birthday, throw a big party and be happy. Do it for your mommy, ok?" I nod. I missed having this conversations with her.
At ten pm I finally finished my painting, my mom went home five hours ago. My brother had a date with Aylee so he got out of the studio like three hours ago and left me alone. I'm closing the studio when someone touch my shoulder and I almost have and heart attack. "Hey, can we talk?" Sam asks me with a shaky voice. I nod. "I'll walk you home" he says.
"I miss you, Rocky. Last week, it was a mistake. Please, forgive me"
"Sam, do you wanna know why I came earlier to your house? I was going to break up with you."
"Wow, that's... wow"
"When I saw you with Brad, I was almost relieved"
"So that's way you just left without throwing anything at me"
I nod. "I just have to ask you. Are you gay?"
"No, of course not. I don't know"
"I think I always knew you were attracted to him but I didn't want to accept it"
"I'm sorry, Rocky. I wish it didn't end like this. Is there something I can do to make you change your mind?"
"No, Sam. Right now I need to focus on my paintings. I need to find myself" I tell him when we are at my building's door.
I'm finally home. I'm so tired I just wanna get some sleep but I have to eat something. I'm just gonna eat leftovers from yesterday's dinner. After I eat, I brush my teeth, skincare, get in my pjs and go to bed. I read something for about thirty minutes and then I finally fall asleep.

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