chapter three

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It's 10:30 I woke up half an hour ago because of a call from my mom. She wanted to know how the party went... the thing is, I couldn't remember anything. So I lied. I told her we came home at 2:30 and that it went super well. Then I hung up the phone and found two texts from Matteo and a guy named Ben. I know Matteo, he's Danielle's cousin but I have no idea who this Ben guy could be. I call Aylee to ask her.
"Hey Rock, what's up?" she answers me.
"I just wanted to ask you if you knew a guy named Ben that i potentially met yesterday night"
"Oh my God yes, he's the bartender who wanted to give you water, don't you remember him?"
Now that I think about it, I remember some freak who didn't want to give me alcohol, now I get why by the way.
"Yes, now I remember. Thank you, see you tonight"
"See you tonight"
I check Matteo's text before.

"Hey Rocky, I'm Matteo, Danielle's cousin. I just wanted to tell you that I had fun last night. We should do this again. Maybe tonight? 8 o'clock? I could pick you up."

My heart starts racing. I mean he's kinda hot, so I'd say yes, but I broke up with Sam just a month ago. I don't know what to do. I feel good about dating again.

"Hi Matteo, I had fun too. I'm totally down for tonight and 8 o'clock is perfect. Should I wear something elegant?"

lPerfect and yes, you should definitely wear something elegant. See you tonight"

"See ya."

Now I should read Ben's text. I'm kinda scared.

"Hey, are you still alive after last night?"

what a wonderful start for a conversation.

"Of course I'm still alive, I was just drunk. How did you get my number?"

"You see, that's why I didn't wanna give you more alcohol, you can't remember a thing, can you?"

"What a great way to start a conversation, man"

"Ok sorry.
Hi, I'm Ben I gave you my number last night and then I took your phone and sent a message to myself so I could have yours. Do you have a name? Cause in my phone your name is "wasted girl"."

"I'm Rocky, and I wasn't wasted!"

"If you say so..."

It was mostly irritating but I survived. I'm now texting Aylee to let her know that I'm not gonna be home for dinner. Hope she doesn't ask too many questions. I'm gonna tell her everything when I get back from the date.

"Not gonna be home for dinner tonight, I've got a date!"

"What? Whit whom?"

"Matteo, Danielle's cousin."

"Tell me everything, NOW!"

"I'll tell you everything tonight when I get back. I'm sorry I love but I gotta go buy something for tonight. Text you later."

"Fine, I hate you."

I'm now home after three hours of shopping. It's lunch time so I'm just gonna eat some leftovers: pizza.
Tonight I'm gonna wear a not so long not so short black dress with black heels, and I bought a black purse from Prada. It was so expensive but it was so worth it!
After lunch I'm gonna go to the art studio so I can start working on my next painting of my mom: childhood.
I'll just need a picture of her, so I will be all alone considering my brother's out with his friends.

It's now 7:30 pm. I just got out of the shower and I'm putting make up on. I'm not gonna be late, or at least I hope so.

It's 8 o'clock when I hear the doorbell ring. It's him. I let him in and greet him with a hug.
"Wow you look stunning" he says in a sweet voice
"Thanks, you too"
"Are you ready?" he asks
"Yes, I am. Let's go"
We head out of the apartment and reach his car. He opens the car door for me and I get in. During the time we spent in the car we're mostly quiet and we listen to the radio. After fifteen minutes we arrive at the restaurant and it's pretty elegant. I'm glad to know I've chosen the right outfit. During the whole dinner we have so much fun, he's such a cute guy.
I think I like him. After dinner he takes me to Central Park for a walk. After several minutes of waiting he finally kisses me. I can't believe I'm kissing a guy I barely know, but I don't think he's a serial killer so after the kiss I kiss him again.
"When are you going back to Italy?" I ask.
"Next week, I'm gonna go take my stuff and I'm gonna come back three days later so I can move in with Danielle."
"Are you serious? I thought you were here visiting"
"I was supposed to stay here for a month but I fell in love with the city and I decided to move in"
I look at him and he kisses me again, then we walk to his car and he drives me home.

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