chapter four

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It's 11:30. As soon as I open the door of my apartment Aylee runs to me screaming.
"Start from the beginning"
"It's a long story" I say
"We have all night, let's go"
I start telling her everything, from the message to the kiss to the fact that he's moving here and he's really cute.
It's now half an hour past midnight, she fell asleep on the couch and I'm going to bed. I check the phone one last time and see that I have two unread messages: one from Matteo and one from Ben.
I open the one from Matteo:
"Thank you for tonight, we should definitely do this again. Night x"
"Definitely. Night xx" I reply.
Then I check the one from Ben.
"Hey, I stalked you a bit and found out you're an artist. Do you paint just for yourself?
"Stalker. What do you mean?" I text him.
"If I pay you, can you paint something for me?"
"Well that depends"
"On what?"
"Is it a place? A person?"
"It's a place, how much for a painting of a place?"
"How big?"
"Not too big, not too little"
"About 80$"
"I thought more"
"I'm not a thief. If it isn't too big it will take me 5 hours"
"I thought you were gonna charge me 200$"
"Don't make me repeat myself.. I'm not a thief"
"Okok. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. What time?"
"Yeah that'll do. Night thief."
"Night stalker."
Well at least he's funny. Right now I'm too sleepy to think about what place he'll make me paint so I'll go to sleep.

It's 12 pm. I'm having brunch cause I woke up half an hour ago and I have to be at work in 30 minutes. In three hours I'll see Ben again. I don't remember much of him from that night and I haven't searched him on social media so I don't know what to expect. This morning I woke up with a text from Matteo.
"Morning sunshine, hope you have a great day today"
"Morning Teo, you too"
"Wanna hung out tonight? I've got two tickets for a Nicks game"
"Sounds fun. What time?"
"It starts at 9:30"
"Pick me up at the studio at 8:30. I'll send you the address"
"All righty. See you tonight"
"See you tonight"
Second date in a row, I wanted to take things slow but he's so cute!
I will have to change at the studio so I'm gonna bring a cute outfit with me, right now I'm gonna wear something comfy.
It's 15:30 and Ben finally shows up.
"Hey, sorry if I'm late, New york traffic" someone says.
I turn around and see Ben. I'm speechless. He's like 7 feet tall, green eyes, dark hair and too many muscles.
"Don't worry"
"So that's the place I would like you to paint" he tells me while showing me a picture. It's a beach and it's sundown.
"Really cute, send it to me. It should be ready tomorrow, I'll text you when you can pick it up"
"All right. I guess I'll go"
"Bye stalker"
He smile and heads out.

It's 7:45, I finished the painting and It's beautiful. I can't wait for him to see it!
Thinking about Matteo, he's coming in less than an hour and I have to change. I think I'll make it though.
He honks at 8:30. He's so fucking on time. I'm ready I just need a minute to process the fact that this is our second date.
I head out and meet him outside. He's waiting outside of the car. He greets me with a kiss and opens the car-door. He's such a gentleman, I like this about him.
We arrive at 9 sharp and go look for our seats. We find them and he leaves me there so he can go and grab two hot dogs. During the game we're mostly quiet but it's a good quiet, you know. He drives me home after it.
"I had fun tonight. Thank you for coming."
"I had fun too. Next time I'll pick something."
"Okay fine, I'll wait anxiously."
We laugh and kiss.
"Do you wanna come up?" I ask and instantly regret it, it's too soon but Aylees at Jeremy's so i don't know. I ruined everything. He's shocked.
"I wish I could but tomorrow morning I have to catch a plane and I haven't packed."
"Oh. I thought you were gonna go next week"
"I postponed it. I'm sorry"
"Don't worry. Text me when you get home and drive safe."
I kiss him for a solid minute and then I get out of the car.

Match made in heaven Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя