where everything started

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The air was cold and dry it was a day in October normal for everyone but one person bri in labor giving birth to two twin girls screaming in pain it was like the world was ending doctors and nurses tried calming her down has she pushed has hard has she could to get the babies out then one push and she felt something pop out the doctors said just a few more pushes mrs and the second baby would be out to she pushed and screamed and cried out in pain then the pain calmed down has she saw her second baby there on the little baby table being cleaned and checked on her first baby was given to her has they were almost done cleaning the blood off of the second baby then the other one was handed to her no complications mrs you may leave after you have signed the birth certificate and paided the amount cleo nodded and smiled she had realized early on the father wasn't gonna be in the picture but she didn't care cleo came from a rich home and her parents let her have one of their many businesses to and she was able to work from home to watch the kids she didn't need a man to come and take care of her she was strong and independent she just got a bit to drunk one night and got pregnant but she wanted kids anyways so she was happy none the less

Cleos pov - my babies were healthy I felt do tired but atleast my kids are safe in my arms we were going to be the perfect family soon I left the hospital going to sit on a bench waiting foelr my mother to pick me up she was waiting outside of the delivery room and once she saw the babies she looked so happy at they're little faces I named one of them teagan after my grandmother who pasted away some months back and the other one trinity since it was kinda similar to teagan in a way I was on the bench sitting there my mother said she didn't want me to walk to much since I had just given birth so she was gonna drive up to the bench and drive us home I lived in the same neighborhood has my parents so I saw them alot we always had tea and pastrys and talked about everything I was always close with them and they even had a room for the girls just in case I needed a break or they wanted to stay or I was out doing something my mother dropped us off and made me some of her special tea for me and helped get the newborns to sleep.

3 years later
Trinity pov- I was running around the house looking for teagan we were playing hide and seek I checked in every room I knew she would hide in but I couldn't find her I started to get frustrated and tired of looking I went to get a juice box when I heard giggling I finished my juice box and looked around then I opened the cabinet door and out teagan fell having a giggling fit I said found you now you count to ten teagan nodded and I ran away has I heard her say 1... I dashed across the hallway looking for a place to hide I was to far away to hear teagan counting I opened a door and saw the perfect hiding spot I hide there

Teagan pov- I finished counting and ran threw the house looking for her I ran for a bit then went to my mom and asked her she was with Nana I looked up at then drinking tea and pulled on my moms dress was she looked down at me and smiled I asked mommy have you seen trinity anywhere cleo giggled and said I may have seen her but I don't remember where she said with a smile I huffed and ran away to continue to look for my sister then I saw a opened door I burst in nearly falling I looked left and right to see a closet I opened it to see trinity hanging upside down at the top shelf giggling she always loved climbing things i giggled and yelled mommy look at trinity our mom walked in with Nana and laughed at her upside down she got up right and climbed down dropping herself on a few old bags to break her fall then Nana said it's lunch then wr have a little surprise me and trinity looked at eachother and back at the two adults smiling and we both dashed to the dining room not even stopping for a breath we huffed and puffed to see two plates of food both and some cut up watermelon and peeled oranges with a peanut butter and jelly samwich and some apple juice we thanked the chef has they were making the adults food and setting it at the "big" table me and trinity had a smaller table because we aren't old enough to sit at the big table yet we finished our food in time to hear the bell ring me and trinity ran to the door has the door man opened it there stood two ladies with bags we remembered them to be our moms best friends so we smiled an waved saying hiiii they both waved back and the door man took their bags mom came in and said girls we all have decided that they will both be moving in me and trinity were ecstatic at the idea one of the women was pregnant with a baby she was only one month in but it was still super cool to know we could have a new playmate soon

Another 3 years time skip 🥲
Trinity pov- it was a nice sunny day mommy was now pregnant with a boy we were exited especially me a little brother seemed so cool to me Jackson was cuddling a teddy while Jacob slept on him we were on the couch my mommy was talking with her friends and teagan was on a different room singing with the nanny I was drawing while Jackson watched me he was a very quiet kid he held onto Jacob and the teddy like he was swarn to protect them I giggled and finished drawing my picture it was a daisy with a black center and yellow pedals with a blue butterfly flying around it it was on a hill I didn't know why I drew it I just wanted to my mom walked in and said it's a beautiful day outside let's go have a picnic Jackson's eyes lit up with excitement he loved going to the park

At the park
Teagan pov- I was talking to trinity telling her that I was the better twin she giggled and continued to draw in her sketchbook I looked around mommy was talking and Jackson deep into thought looking at the ground Jacob was eating grapes and crackers I looked behind me to see a man he waved at me I smiled and waved back he gestured to follow him so I grabbed trinitys hand to bring her because I brought her everywhere with me the man lead us deep into the woods trinity was hesitant but followed me there he man had a hat on that covered his face and a black hoodie and jeans he pulled out something from his pocket it was a gun I stared in fear has he pointed it at me then a loud noise was heard but only for a moment I saw trinity looking at me in horor before I fell down and everything faded to black

Trinitys pov- I stared at teagans body in horor as blood rushed out of her head then another loud bang wad heard before I fell I saw teagan next to me before I slowly saw a black void

Jackson's pov- I saw teagan grab trinitys hand I wanted to follow them but my mom told me to stay here then I heared a loud bang than another one Jacob started to cry from the loud noises I was terrified and I started to cry also my mom and her friend noticed trinity and teagan went missing and they started to cry praying that loud noise wasn't involving them but the next day the police said they found them deep in the forest dead I didn't understand what death was at the time but now I do

Trinity pov- I woke up on a cloud to see teagan holding her head then I remembered what happened and started to cry a lady with golden wings she had a white and gold dress with white eyes and white hair she looked beautiful me and teagan got up looking at the tall lady hello my dears she spoke but we waved now I'm very sorry but you both are dead I'm so sorry for it you guys were supposed to live a long long time but everything has to change but we have a special job that will keep you both connected forever just finish this one task alright fate has chosen a very special job for you teagan teagan perked up interested at her words I was confused but I kept listening and has for you trinity she said you will be rebirthed to live another life has teagans job and your job will involve teamwork but you will completely forget on your past life this conversation and everything your mind will ne restarted before I could say anything I was covered in a pale yellow smoke and was sent down falling to earth has my Bodie slowly started to fade away the closer I got I screamed in fear my mind had so many questions but I then passed out has I hit earth...

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