Strange Dream

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He was having that same nightmare again, he was running through a large pumpkin patch. The sky dimmining into darkness right after the sunset faded back into the earth. The sky now was full of a dark blue mixing with indigo swirling with the pale colors of yellow and blue.

It was getting so dark.

The small apple remembered he was running away from someone..or something. As he turned around he could see the macabre creature. It was incredibly tall with elongated limbs. It's ribs and bones poking out through black ash almost leathery skin. At least the apple assumed it was skin and on its head was one large pumpkin with a massive single eye staring dead at him as it chased him down the pumpkin patch.

The scariest thing about the creature was that it knew his name. Calling to him in this distorted garbled tone which sounded utterly demonic to the young apple farmer. He could feel the creature gaining on him making the small apple run even faster as he could practically feel it's sharp fingertips brush against his shoulders trying to grab him with its long arms.

Andy panted running as fast as his legs could carry him. He breathed heavily as his lungs were practically burning from how much he was breathing and running. It was getting much darker now with the sky now a midnight violet to deep dark blue and the creature was gaining speed on him.

Andy ran as fast as he could through the pumpkin patch trying his best not to lose his footing and fall. By then the sky was darker now almost pitch black and the creature was getting closer to him. To make matters worse Andy could hear strange sounds and to his horror more of them appeared through the pumpkin patch there had to be four of them. All staring down the small apple with their single large eyes and they were hot on Andy's trail.

He doesn't know how long can keep running, but he didn't want to get caught . Andy didn't want to imagine what those things might do to him once they caught him.

It hurts. His chest is aching and his legs are sore, Andy can't stop though he needs to find a safe spot first, a place of shelter. There had to be one somewhere around here, but all the small farmer could see was a vast field of pumpkins.

... ... ...

There would be no possible way for Andy to ever think of finding shelter, there was nothing. Not to mention how sore and tired his body was it would be a miracle before he found any place to rest.

Andy was screwed no matter what.

Andy gasped for breath trying to stop at a joggers pace only for him to lose his footing over one of the many pumpkin vines and fell onto the cold soil of the pumpkin patch. He groaned trying to sit up as he remembered those ungodly pumpkin creatures from hell were still chasing him and before the small apple could gather his bearings one of those monsters successfully got to him first.

Andy cried out in horror as the blackened claw tore through the fabric of his shirt eventually tearing through skin causing the poor apple to shriek in pain from the deep gash he now had.

There was blood, a lot of it pooling and seeping through the fabric of his right arm. It was a deep cut too and it might become a scar one day. Andy hissed holding his right arm trying to back away from the creature in front of him only for him to back into another one.

Andy yelped, feeling cold claw like hands grasp his shoulders. Andy tried to struggle against the creature as he watched horrified as the other pumpkin creatures started surrounding him , their single one eyes staring at the trembling apple who could only stare back as they all attacked him at once clawing at him.

All of them attacked. Sharp claws, grabbing ,tearing away fabric and skin. Andy could feel blood spill out of bus injuries crying out in pain as he tried to push them off of him only for one of them to grab the small apple and drag him back into the vicious attack. Andy tried crying out for help but it looked like no one would save him.

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