The Weasleys and the Quidditch Match.

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Guys!! I know it has been forever since the last time I updated..AND I AM SO SORRY! but here it is. I have no excuses and I know it. But I'll continue the story because it's something that I really want to do. Get hold of your pants people, this will get intense.. hehe.

Love you all. xoxox



"Nice to see you again Professor." The red-headed man named Arthur kindly answered.

Professor Dumbledore stepped out of the way in order for Arthur to see me.

"This is Catherine, Arthur. The girl I've been telling you about. Catherine, this is Mr.Arthur Weasley. You'll be staying with him and his family until the new term starts." Professor Dumbledore explained.

Though I was insecure about it, I stretched my hand and greeted Mr. Weasley.

"Hello Catherine," he said shaking my hand and smiling. "I hope you can feel very comfortable and in home whilst you stay with us."

I doubted it. But these people were taking me in, so I promised myself to make my best in being polite and somehow thankful.

I nodded and with that Mr. Weasley stepped out of the doorway to let me in.

"I'll show you where your room will be. Follow me please."

I followed him through many stairs until we reached a room with three not-so-big beds. I wanted to know why there were two extra beds in the room in which I was staying, but apparently Mr. Weasley read my mind.

"You'll be sharing the room with Ginny, that's my daughter, and Hermione, a friend of the family. They both attend Hogwarts and Hermione is in the same year you'll be."

"And that is?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Fifth year of course." He answered smiling. "Well you may unpack, get comfortable, rest. I'll introduce you to the others later."

"Thank you Mr. Weasley, but I don't feel tired at all.. and I- I really don't feel like unpacking at the moment." I said giving him a tiny smile.

"Oh! Haha! Very well then!" He clapped his hands. "The others are outside. If you'd be so kind to follow me." I did as he said.

For some reason I was really nervous of meeting the rest of his family.. even though I never get nervous when it comes to meeting someone new.

We went down the stairs and out of the house towards what seemed to be their garden. I will not lie. I was completely fascinated with the place.

From the distance I noticed some kids about my age and what looked like twins who were a bit older. The Weasleys were noticeable due to their red-like-fire hair. There was a girl with bushy hair who seemed to be struggling a bit with her broom and a boy with messy black hair who wore round glasses. A woman was on the ground apparently serving drinks. I reckoned she was Mr. Weasley's wife. But the odd thing was the fact that the kids were riding brooms and soaring up in the air and throwing balls towards each other.

My eyes were about to pop out of my head. There was no humanly way possible that things like that could ever happen. But then againg, neither me nor these people were 'normal'.

"Kids! Honey! Come please!" Mr. Weasley yelled.

All of the ones that were flying up in the sky landed immediatly and the lady serving the drinks started towards where we were standing.

I caught one of the twins' eyes when they were approaching and he instantly smiled. For some reason I returned his smile and I couldn't stop staring at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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