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    "Bobby!" Dean called out, hoping he hadn't left yet.    
    "Can you bring me some food back?"  
     "Sure thing princess."        
      He heard the door slam and sighed. He felt miserable. Having to rely on Bobby for everything was deffinitly ruining his mood.   
     Sam was currently out on a hunt to gank some ghost that had been terrifying the people of a small town in Kansas. He had briefly come to visit Dean before he left, and the conversation still left a bitter taste in Dean's mouth.  
*                           *                                   *
    "Sammy. Thank God. Let's go."  
    "Dean, you're not going anywhere."  Sam sighed and leaned against the door.
    Dean looked up at him, confusion spelled out across his face. "What are you talking about?"    
     "Dean, you were almost killed. There's no way I'm letting you out of here until you're 100 percent."    
      "Sammy..." Dean's face fell. "But... you can't just leave me here."   
      "Actually, I can, and I will. You're just gonna hold me back. I can't risk it." Sam turned his  on Dean and walked out the door. 
     "Sammy! Get back here! Sammy! Don't you dare leave me!" Dean began to get out of the bed, but cryed out as he felt the pain in his chest come back.           
    He slammed his fist down onto the bed.  He was about to relax, but then he heard the roar of his Impala. 
     "Son of a bitch. Sammy! Get back here!"
     Sammy heard Dean's roar, and with wet eyes, drove away. 
*                                *                                   * 
        Dean sat in silence, bored. Bobby had been gone for an hour, and there was nothing he could do. The TV wasn't working, and Bobby's book collection was all about creatures to hunt. Dean had tried to read one, but it put a strong longing in his heart to be out with Sam, fighting God knows what.     
      Well, he thought, I'll just go to sleep. Only way to pass the time.    
       Dean slumped back into the bed and curled up into a ball on his side. His body instantly reacted to his actions, and he let out a sigh. His eyelids felt heavy and he drifted away.     
*                               *                                 *       
     "Dean," a gruff voice barked at him. "Get up!"    
      "Get your lazy ass up. We got stuff to do."        
       "Dad... what are you talking about?"    
       "Well, gotta lot to do Dean. Save the world, save Sammy, but there's one thing you couldn't do." John looked down at him with sad eyes.
      "Dad... please don't." Dean begged, only noticing in passing that he was in the woods.  
      "Well, actually, there's a lot of things you couldn't do. Like save your mother. Or save Joe. So many people have died because of you and you have nothing to say for it!" John was yelling now.  
       Dean cringed. "I can't dad... I didn't do anything. I didn't mean for them to die!"
       "But you let them!" He roared. "You let people die, and you never looked back. Sam may have left us, but at least he didn't hurt as many people as you did."   
        "I regret it every day Dad. Please, don't do this to me."  
         John raised a gun. "For all the people who you hurt." The safety clicked off, and there was a searing pain in his chest. The world faded away.    
*                                 *                                      *   
       Dean gasped as air suddenly filled his lungs. He looked around for a second, unsure where he was. As he looked, his eyes fell on two graves.     
  Dean Winchester
His spirit lives on in us.  
And right next to it read, 
Sam Winchester.  
His death brought peace to our people. 
    "Sammy..." Dean crawled over to the grave. "He could never.... Sammy."   
       Dean's legs suddenly felt weak, and he colasped in front of the grave.
       "Why are you crying. Sam had to die."  
       "No.... Sammy was good." Dean looked to the ground. "He shouldn't have gone."   
       "San got me killed. Sam ruined all of our lives. Sam had to die! And you had to die with him."      
       "No.... no.... Sammy." Dean's world began to spin, and he blacked out, his final sight his mother's body catching on fire.   
*                                 *                                     *
      "Dean! Wake up! Now!"    
      "Cas... is this another dream."  
      "Dream? No.. what are you talking about?"   
       "Never mind. Is there a reason you're so... close to me?"
       "Oh... sorry." Cas suddenly realized his face was inches away from Dean.  
       "Yeah.... anyway. What do you want?" 
       "Just to see how you were. Sam informed me of your... situation."     
       "So, you come to heal me with your magic juice? Good."  
       "No actually.  My father told me not to." 
       "Wait, why? Cas, you gotta help me."  
       "I cant." Cas growled. "My father said you must learn a lesson."   
      "Well, you've defied your heavenly father before...."    
       "Dean..." Castiel ' voice was dangerously low. "I have already sacrificed my grace once for you. I fully plan on keeping my grace for once."
       "Cas, I gotta get back out there. Sammy needs me."   
        "Sam will be fine without you for a while. Right now, you need to heal, like a human."
      "Castiel." Dean growled. "You need to do this." Dean yet again tried to sit up, but cried out with the effort. 
      "Dean!" Cas scrambled over to support him.  
       "I'm fine!" Dean yelled as he swatted away his hands.   
        Cas instantly pulled his hands back, a pained expression on his face. "... I'm sorry."  
        "Castiel..." Dean began. 
        "No... it's fine. I'll leave now. I will see you soon."    
        "Cas.... don't g..." Dean stopped once he saw Cas was already gone. 
        He flung himself back onto the bed. "Son of a..."   
        Lost my only entertainment. 
       The door slammed shut, jarring Dean out of his sulking. 
       "Dean, I brought lunch!" Bobby called for the entryway.  
          "Want me to bring it to you?"   
          "No way Bobby! I'm just gonna magically stand up and go over there myself. Because I can suddenly stand up now!"    
        "How about you shut up, you idjit? I'll bring you your damn food."     
      "Thanks Bobby."   
      "Yeah, sure." Bobby suddenly appeared in the door way. The smell of fries and grease hit Dean like a ton of bricks. "I got you a triple bacon cheeseburger, large fries, and I ran out and bought some pie."  
       "Oh Bobby!" Dean swooned. "You take such good care of me."    
        "Ah shut up. I don't care about you. I just don't wanna deal with Sam if he comes back and you're dead."  
        "Well then..."  
        "Eat your food and go back to bed. Alright?"
        "Bobby," Dean sighed, "I can't eat and sleep the months away. I need something."
        "Well, didn't Castiel come by earlier?"
        "Yeah... why? And how did you know?"
        "Sam told me he was gonna send Cas to visit you since you seemed so upset when you guys last saw each other. Looks to me like you scared the bastard away." 
        "I didn't mean to." Dean sighed. "I just got a bit mad at him. He freaked out since I was feeling some pain. I yelled, and he left." 
        "Listen Dean," Bobby sighed and sank into a chair in the corner of the room. "I don't care what you want. Castiel, Sam, and myself all want to see you get better. So, for a while, we're gonna treat you like the little princes you are. Alright?"
        "Yes sir..."
       "Good, now eat your food."  
       Dean grabbed the bag from the bedside table Bobby had placed it on, and began to shove food into his mouth, praying that it would take away the regret he felt about his treatment of Castiel.         

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