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Dean smiled at Mary, who was currently wrapped up in a mountain of blankets. "Wanna come out baby girl?"
She smiled, shaking her head. "Not until Papa gets home"
"Papa's at work, but Daddy's here!"
"Not good enough." She frowned, grabbing Dean's hand, and he allowed himself to be pulled onto the bad with the toddler.
He wrapped an arm around her. "Papa has some buisness up in the big house where he works. He promised daddy that he would be home before bed time though."
Mary looked up at him thoughtfully, "Is papa an angel?"
Dean looked down at her in confusion, "What makes you say that?"
You always say that he saved you, don't angels save people?"
"Yeah," Dean smiled, "I guess they do. Someday, you'll be an angel just like papa. Then, you'll use your angelic powers to help people, and Papa and Daddy will be so proud of you!"
He pulled her into a bear hug, and only let her go when he heard a smiling voice from the door say, "Daddy and Papa's little angel."
Dean and Mary smiled up at Castiel, and motioned for him to join them on the bed. He plopped down next to her, and they both smiled down at their adopted child. Sure, Dean still had ocassional nightmares, and Cas couldn't even remember all the times he'd woken up to him hyperventilating, but that didn't make him love him any less. He was perfectly broken, and Cas was alright with that.

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