The day I met him.

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Hey guys I made a other book hope you guys like it and don't forget to like and comment.


Walking down the streets of town, not really paying attention to your surroundings, you continued towards the edge of the town limits. Just outside of town was a thick forest where hardly anyone ever went unless it was important. In all honesty, you just wanted out. Most of your life you had felt like a prisoner, confined within the walls of your home with no link to the outside at all. Now was the perfect time to go out and see for yourself what was out there.

Upon entering the forest you realized how quiet everything was. There was a slight breeze that made it's way through the trees, but there weren't any animals running around. Not wanting to go back home, you continued making your way deeper into the forest.

By the time the sun started to set, you had come across a wide clearing. There were wild flowers all around, and a small creek snaked through the middle. It was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. Deciding to rest, you found a nice comfortable spot and laid down looking up into the sky. You could see the stars starting to shine while the sky slowly changed to a dark purple.

Losing track of time, you began to doze off. You weren't even aware that someone had joined you and was only standing a few feet away from you.

"Well, well, what have we here?" a voice said softly.

You were jolted awake and sat up quickly looking around for the mysterious person. You located him to your left and froze. He was rather tall, wearing a long black coat and a small hat tilted on his head. His hair was a light brown color that framed his face perfectly. Even though you had just met him, you couldn't deny he was rather handsome. Your thoughts were interrupted when the man took slow, careful steps toward you.

"Now what is a young innocent girl like you doing in a dark place like this? And all alone at that," he said.

Slightly louder than a whisper you asked him, "W-who...are you?"

The man stopped walking and gave a small smile, "Vladimir."


"My name is Vladimir, or Vlad, if you like."

His voice sent shivers down your spine. It was so smooth and deep and slightly hypnotizing. Vlad came closer to you still until he was right next to you and offered you a hand. Carefully, you placed your hand in his and he helped you to stand up.

"What is your name?" Vlad asked.

"_-______," you replied.

"So ______ tell me, what brings you so far out into my forest?" he asked.

"Your forest?" you sounded confused.

"Yes. This forest is my territory. Nobody else lives here."

Something about his tone when he said that made you feel slightly uneasy. It just seemed impossible one human could have an entire forest to themselves.

"W-well, I wanted to explore. I've been within the walls of my hometown my whole life. Now that I'm older I wanted to see what was outside," you explained carefully.

Vlad stood right in front of you, bodies almost touching. His breath caressed your face and his gaze had you frozen in place. He lowered his head down till his mouth was next to your ear.

"That's quite brave of you. But it was also stupid." he whispered.

You suddenly felt something cold and sharp run down your neck. A growl softly emitted from Vlad's throat as he gently placed his hands on your arms, holding you in place.

"I'm sorry. It's just you smell so...delicious."

You felt like screaming. Yet when you opened your mouth nothing came out. Vlad slowly placed his lips against your skin. Soft moans escaped your lips as Vlad's mouth continued it's ministrations to your neck. You'd never felt like this before. A warm feeling began to fill in the pit of your stomach. That's when you felt Vlad stop. You were given a moment to catch your breath as you felt Vlad's warm breath against your skin.

"Forgive me, draga mia," he whispered.

Pain shot through your body as something pierced your neck. All consciousness was slipping from you. You couldn't understand what was happening. Vlad removed himself from your neck and looked into your glazed eyes. His eyes were a bright, crimson, red that seemed to be looking into your soul. Your body gave out and began to fall until Vlad caught you and lifted you into his strong arms.

"Îmi pare rău. Acum nu mai puteţi pleca. Dar eu promit să am grijă de tine, şi te iubesc." Vlad whispered, as he began walking toward the heart of the forest.

The last thing you remembered before falling into a deep slumber, was Vlad's lips pressed against your forehead, and the scent of blood.


 Well what did you guys thank? was it good or bad plz tell me. Oh and don't forget to like and comment. Have a nice day!!

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