Now that I know..

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You awoke feeling cold. Everywhere around seemed completely void of any warmth. Carefully moving around, you determined you were laying on a bed in an unfamiliar room. You started to sit up to get a good look at where you were, when you felt something gently press you back down.

"You shouldn't move. You need to rest," a voice said.

Something about the voice sounded familiar to you. Trying to think, you realized you were really tired and a bit disoriented. Slowly you took deep breaths to calm down and help you think straight. You tried to focus on the person in front of you.

"You've lost a lot of blood. It would be best if you didn't move around until you've regained your full strength," the voice spoke again.

Your eyes widened as you finally recognized the voice that spoke. Memories from in the forest flooded your mind as you remembered what happened before you blacked out.

"V-vladimir?" you asked, voice cracking.

You felt a hand rest on your head and gently run down your (h/l)(h/c) hair.

"Yes, it's me," he whispered.

Sudden fear filled you as you got a better look at Vladimir. The last thing you remembered before blacking out was the pain you felt when he...bit your neck. You quickly moved back from him.

"Don't touch me! Stay away from me!" you yelled.

Vladimir's expression went from shocked to saddened.


Tears filled your eyes and your body started to shake.

" bit me," you whispered, moving your hand to your neck, "You're...not normal."

Vladimir looked down, "You're right. I'm a vampire," he responded.


Vladimir nodded slowly.

"B-but..." you started, "That's impossible. There's no such thing as Vampires."

Vladimir let out a soft laugh.

"Dear _____, the mark on your neck should be proof enough that we do indeed exist," he said.

All you could do was stare at Vladimir. You knew he was right, but there was still a part of you wishing that this was all a dream and any moment you would wake up safe in your bed. Your fingers lightly traced the puncture words in your neck. They were starting to heal up a bit and weren't so deep. But they would always be a constant reminder of what happened. You took a slow, deep, breath before you spoke up,

" what? I assume that I'm to stay here with you? So you can keep drinking my blood until I'm dry and kill me?" you asked, your voice raising with each question.

At first, Vladimir looked like he was about to say something. He paused and scanned your face briefly before he spoke.

"I could never kill you. You never knew, but I've been watching you for a long time. Ever since you were a little girl. I used to make constant visits to your home just to see you. The more I came to visit, the more infatuated I became with you. You had grown into a frumoasa femeie."

A small, light blush crossed your cheeks. You had never realized that he had always been there watching you. It was somewhat romantic, but there was still a creep feeling to it.

"And yesterday?" you questioned.

Vladimir smiled at you, "I was so happy to have seen you there. A true vision of beauty in my forest."

He reached his hand out and gently placed it against yours on top of your neck.

"However, I let myself get too carried away with my vampiric self. Once I started to drink, it took everything I had to stop," he sighed, "I understand if you hate me. I also understand if you want to leave once you've fully recovered. But I want you to know," Vladimir paused before leaning close to your ear, "Te iubesc."

In love with a vampire X readerWhere stories live. Discover now