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Cole sat dazed in his room, legs curled up to his chest. Staring off into the distance. Repeating those very words in his head. 'Dance practice in 30 minutes' it clouded his mind and swallowed it whole.
It wasn't a new custom. But Cole only hoped he would have time to speak to Jay before he had to waste away the rest of his day on something he hated so badly. Even if it were for a few minutes, it'd make him feel better.

He waited in anticipation, deep brown eyes staring intently at the screen before him. Fastening his headset on his head nervously. Breathing heavily into it. He could barely contain his feelings of adrenaline. Counting down every second that Jay didn't join his voice chat.


A hand gripped tightly onto his controller, not daring to let go, not even for even a second. Ready to unmute himself whenever the other finally joins the party.


Bouncing up and down on his chair. A nervous habit that always managed to make waiting all the more suspenseful.



Nothing..'come on' Cole silently whispered out loud. Time passing him by. He feared Jay not joining despite Cole desperately wanting him too. Waiting as patiently as he possibly could. Sat huddled on his chair in fear.


'For f*ck sake Jay' he cussed below his breath. Growing impatient. Nearly 10 minutes had passed by and still not a sign of Jay.




'Please Join' Cole pleaded with thin air. Breathing shaky. What if he didn't join? What would he do then?


The suspense became unbearable. It felt as though his eyes had already turned to squares due to how long he'd been staring at the blank screen, just waiting for something to happen.


Still noting..Then suddenly it popped up on the screen. A notification enclosed with a bright orange banner, letting him know that the boy he'd been waiting for all this time had indeed joined. He let out a raspy breath. One he wasn't even aware he had been holding in. Quickly he pressed the button without hesitation. Unmuting himself.

"Jay!" He exclaimed with all his built up feelings. So happy that he now gets the chance to speak to his best friend.

He heard the other shuffling over the mic. Then the sound of crinkling and munching. Along with a muffled laugh. "Hey!" Jay beamed, mouth full of food.

"What took you so long!" Cole said loudly, clearly annoyed. He heard the other stuffing more food into his mouth. Giving a slight chuckle.

"Oh sorry..The bus..it came..late" he said between his munching of the chips. It was ringing out loudly through Coles ears.

"Can you stop eating," Cole laughed. He found Jays constant munching extremely annoying, but that's not the only reason he wanted him to stop. It made Cole hungry. Wishing he also had food to munch on.

Jay let out a sweet laugh. "Nah," he said as he shook his head from his end of the mic. Of corse Cole couldn't see this gesture but Jay didn't seem to care. "I'll just mute myself," a click of the button was heard from Cole's end and it fell silent.

"Hey no! I want to speak to you!" Cole exclaimed. panic inducing, watching as the red mute sign flickered off of the screen once again as Jay unmuted himself.

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