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•After school•

Rain trickled off of the roof, dropping onto the floor with a  splash. Cole sighed as he stared out at his wet surroundings. He stood huddled over in the corner, under the canopy at school. Simply watching the rain droplets splatter onto the floor. The cold breeze trailing up his spine, he shivered. Hugging his own body for warmth.

The rain was fairly heavy and Cole didn't really feel like getting wet today. He was also annoyed that he'd left his umbrella at home earlier that morning, not thinking it was going to rain. Big mistake. His house was over 30 minutes away by foot, was he really going to walk in the pouring rain for 30 minutes? Absolutely not, he thought he'd just wait it out. At least till the rain died down a bit.

So Cole stood there watching as the staggered crowd trailed out of the building. One after another. He listened to music through his headphones, distracting himself from the depressing world around him. His phone shook in his hands..


A buzz came from him phone and he looked down, only to see a notification lighting up his screen. He clicked on it before reading it. As his screen switched. His face lighting up as soon as he saw that he had received a message from Jay. He let out a small "yes!" As he was about to read it.

Jay: I didn't hear my alarm so shush.
Jay: well I'm on break now if you can talk??

The biggest of smiles spread across Coles face. He'd been dying to talk to Jay for the longest of time, but none of them were ever free. They both always had something else they needed to do, so talking was always difficult. Only receiving a short lived message every once in awhile. Cole felt his heart speed up in his chest, as his fingers grazed the keyboard.

Cole: Jay!!
Cole: how are ya bud?
Jay is typing...

Cole waited in anticipation for Jays response, his smile only grew wider as he stared at his screen. All the while Jay contemplated what his response should be. His eyes flickered between his phone screen and his friends as he thought on what to say. Eventually he had it.

Jay: oh I'm great! Now..
Jay: miss Karin yelled at me for being 3 minutes late. 3 MINUTES!! I mean common cut me some slack!
Jay: personally I think i made excellent time, since yk I woke up late..

Cole giggled at the message before him as he begun to type.

Cole is typing...

Jays eyes once again flickered away from his screen for a brief second as he was asked a question. He stared at Zak. Who went on to ask, "why are you smiling so much?" Jay didn't have an answer to that, well he did he just didn't know how to put it into words. So he gave him a smile and pointed towards his phone screen. Just as it buzzed in his hands. Zak had gathered what made the other so happy and gave a nod, along with a suspecting look. Jay turned his attention once again towards his phone.

Cole: Jay you dork 😂😂
Cole: You totally deserved to be yelled at.
Jay is typing...
Jay: hey!!
Cole: 🤣🤣

The bell rung out, causing Jay to jump in his seat. He looked up and let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Embarrassed that something so minor had managed to scare him. I mean he literally hears it multiple times a day, he just seemed to be too indulged in his chat with Cole and it caught him off guard.

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