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Glancing around the room, you couldn't detect that there was anyone who didn't belong there, but there were four men who snuck in.

Arya was watching from the warehouse, mainly because her and Michael hacked the security cameras from inside Milburga's office.

"Michael, your hair is shiny." Arya said, and Michael rolled his eyes as he heard her on the intercom, and the other three stifled their laughter.

"Ich hasse dich Arya." Michael mumbled, and Arya smiled as she continued watching the screen. She wanted to get in there and be in line with the others, but Milburga didn't have any females in her detail.

Michael and Calum were patrolling the office, which basically meant the two were acting stupid until somebody else walked by.

Luke and Ashton were patrolling a different office as well, and Ashton was trying to figure out where Milburga would be.

"Arya, any sight over where Milburga is?" Luke mumbled, and Arya scanned the screens as she hummed to herself and nodded.

"She's in one of her offices. I can't tell which one. Are you guys going to deal with this now?" Arya asked, and Ashton nodded.

"Now would be a good time for you to come here. Luke and I are going to find her, and tell the other guards it's our turn. Michael, Calum, meet us there." Ashton said, and Arya grinned before leaving her spot and going outside.

She put one of the earpieces in her ear, before slipping her arms through the leather jacket and heading towards where Milburga's offices were.

It took her a while, but she found the location, and she climbed over the fence with ease before slipping in undetected.

While she was making her way around, the other four were somehow able to be on Milburga's personal detail, and had her alone in her main office.

"So where are you guys?" Arya whispered as she was hiding along the wall, watching as other men were walking by, speaking fluent German, and she snuck off as they left.

"Go down the hallway, turn right and then turn left. Michael and I are outside." Calum said, and Arya felt herself grow excited as she moved down the corridor.

She followed Calums directions, and it wasn't long before she saw the two and she smiled before nearly running up to them and stopping in front of them.

"Ready?" Michael asked, and Arya nodded before pulling her dagger from her boot, and unsheathed it. She opened the door, but her eyes widened as she saw Luke and Ashton tied up and unconscious on the floor.

She heard noises from behind her, and Calum and Michael were now unconscious as well, and her eyes focused on Milburga, who was sitting at her desk as two large, stocky German men came into the office.

They moved so Michael and Calum were by Luke and Ashton, and Arya held her dagger up in a defensive manner before Milburga stopped writing and looked up at her.

"Please, Arya Curtis, sit down." She said, her accent thick and Arya watched the two men before shaking her head and Milburga sighed before closing the files and looking at her with stern eyes.

"Sit down." Milburga snapped, and Arya flinched but complied. She sat in the chair, holding the dagger tightly as the two men moved behind her.

"It is not often that I have a female after me. You are powerful. I have done research, Arya. I like you, a lot." Milburga said, and Arya nodded at her words.

"I would love to have you work for me Arya, you are strong willed. Think, the two of us would be powerful." Milburga said, and Arya's eyes widened.

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