Chapter 28: Sciamachy

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Gold could only wonder what the fluffy yellow fox child had been through in his life that had made him take Silver's story at complete face value and immediately invite them inside his living quarters afterwards.

"Sonic will be alright," the boy smiled at her- his name was Tails, he had introduced himself, though hadn't his entry in her book said his name was Miles? At least the source of the fox cub's first name had been easy to determine, Gold had conceded as she and Silver had gotten ushered further inside the building and guided to what she figured was a kitchen. Tails had grabbed a first aid kit, all but gotten the jump on a protesting Silver insisting his friend had priority, and happily chatted along from where he was treating her injuries now after cleaning the hedgehog's. "He just turned Super, is all. We'd been tracking Eggman and his activities for a while now- something about Angel Island and the Master Emerald, really par for the course." An amused flick of two white-tipped tails followed. "Quite tame for his doing, actually! Nothing we can't handle."

"...Ah." That was just about the most concerning thing anyone could have said about what they had just been through, but Gold immediately decided to keep her mouth shut about that, too. Next to her a very puffy, irked, and thoroughly annoyed fluffball of a hedgehog stifled a dry snort, Silver's hand fiddling with the multitude of bandages wrapped all over his body before Tails' glare made him bristle again and freeze in his movements. Watching the other get treated had been an... interesting experience, with bickering galore as poor Silver got assaulted by a brush and cleaning wipes and one thousand other things, the tenrec reminisced. Clearly her friend's insistence he could patch up himself had fallen of deaf ears... Though, the sting of whatever medicine Tails was applying on her next did make her hand curl into a fist also. No wonder Silver was peeved by the whole occasion.

"Be careful with Gold," her dear friend huffed, fingers brushing over her dorsum as he scooted closer to her. Gratefully Gold opened her hand in full to clasp his, giving it a squeeze at each biting prickle of pain from the disinfectant and blinking at the little zaps of telekinesis her own powers could discern. Soothingly the latter nuzzled against her fingers, the tenrec's face evening out from its pained frown at the gentle touches. She'd be alright.

Shooting her an apologetic smile Tails moved his wipe over a final few cuts, gaze running over her body once more before he got up in full. "Sorry, heh. That's the best I can do for now, Miss Gold, Silver. And no touching the bandages!"

A soft hiss followed beside her as Gold blinked, not needing to look at Silver to sense the pout on his face and notice his other hand quickly getting tucked down. "It might get infected and I'll need to go over you with the disinfectant and the brush again to clean it all," the fox cub threatened, looking unexpectedly scary before his gaze darted back to Gold again and a smile was shot her way once more. "Just Silver things," the boy mouthed with no small amount of amusement, sorting through all the packaging and different bottles and clothes and wraps he'd put on the table as his voice became louder again. "With your worst injuries patched up I'll grab you two something to drink. Sonic will be coming home any-" a door opened behind them- "second. Heya, Sonic!"

"Tails!" a blue-furred hedgehog with sweeping quills and green eyes beamed, bouncing inside the kitchen and swinging the door close so rapidly the resulting gust of wind made Gold's quills flutter. "Ah, and Silver made it as well! Perfect."

Stifling a flinch at the other's unexpected entrance Gold stared. Sonic no longer was glowing in gold, wisps of energy coursing over his pelt; instead he looked just like he did in her book, fur the expected shade of blue and the grin he'd had on the cover matched perfectly by the one on his face, though the pages had been unable to prepare her for the liveliness the other brought with him. Already the kitchen felt much fuller than it had been with only her, Tails and Silver, even if only one other person had joined...

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