Spin 0ff 15, I'm going to fix it Pt. 2

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Mr. Plant is walking down the sidewalk. He was recalling their conversation from the other day.

The only reason why Argos is angry, or angry at him, is because of the outcome he has to face for Mr. Plant's actions. And he wouldn't be angry, at least not anymore, if there were no consequences!

Still, this could have been easily avoided if Mr. Plant-
Mr. Plant pushed that thought down. He already admitted it to himself, so/and what's that going to do?

Sigh What was Argos "venting" about again? Oh yeah, his boss. Didn't he mention something about a reward and being threaten to be fired? That was basically the whole conversation, wasn't it?

Just by these small details, Mr. Plant had already created a plan.

Down the street, he saw the place where Argos worked at, and got his materials ready. It's very late or very morning, whatever you consider 5am to be.
Today is Argos day off so he's not in there. Good. Easier for him to handle.

He walked in and was greeted with a "hi", then moved towards the isles.


What- the- hell- am I doing here!? He thought to himself.
He should be holding a knife against that old lady's throat, not be looking for something he doesn't need. Which was pliers to cut out dead roots for plants... ironically.

Then again, he doesn't really feel like killing, especially an innocent who has nothing to do with this. And even if gets the information of where the boss is, he will have to kill her to hide witnesses.
What about the boss? Kill him too. And the reward? Force it out upon him before killing.
Is that really all what Mr. Plant does?
Kill, kill, kill, Kill, KILL!

Ugh. A pathetic plan that makes me sick. There has to be a better way to fix this than murder. He finally admitted to himself. Old childhood memories hit him but he shook them off.

He stopped for a moment and looked around. A vent caught his eye and it didn't take long for another idea to develop.

The vent was small but still large enough to fit 3 full-grown raccoons. Mr. Plant is big ;) but not body fat big. So he can surely fit through, right?

He removes the outside and squizzes in, his body moving slowly inward as his legs leaves the ground. Barely being able to breath as his stomach is flat on the surface. Thin air and dust and particles breathe in through his nose.
Mr. Plant can't move forwards anymore. Not because it's blocked but because he's stuck! Oh how embarrassing.
He's glad the isles covered him, otherwise that old lady would have seen him and only make him feel worse.

Voids! How am I supposed to get out off this situation? He grumbled, almost panicking but kept his composure.

He tried moving his legs. No use. What about wiggling his body? It worked!
He wiggled like a fish until he knew for sure he was getting somewhere, but instead of getting out, he only went father in. Why was he disappointed, that was the plan after all?

He wiggled and wiggled until he heard an old guy's laugh from a distance below. And it was not a pretty one.

An instinct hit him. Something told him that this could lead to something farther, although he wasn't sure.
It was more like a feeling.

With all his will, he manages to squeeze his hand down to the side of his pants where his phone was inside his pocket. He then pulled it up and started recording.

"HE HE HE HE HE!" The old man cackled. "Doing this will get me lots of money and once I do, I will fire that weird guy-
what was his name again?
Ah yes, yes, Argos, before pay day! He will be working hard for absolutely nothing!

Bastard, that's my boyfriend you're messing with! You mess with us and I'll mess you up.
He forcefully pushed the bottom vent, slipping and falling through, hitting the floor with such force leaving it a dent.

The room was dark besides the computer screen so all the boss could see was a large figure with a plant as a head, smiling widely directly his way.

Sh1t Mr. Plant hadn't thought this through. He can't speak so how could he get threaten to get the reward-
I have a knife, a small one but still sharp.
Than something popped up.
The recording!

He grabbed his phone, tilting his head, looking evil while at it, and played the recording. He then took out the small sharp knife.
The fat boss seemed to have gotten the point.

"L-Look, I don't know what it is you want but please don't tell anyone, I will let you have anything- anything!"

This made Mr. Plant think, he could get Argos an even better reward!

Beside the old man's desk, there was pictures of his employees. Mr. Plant points at Argos one, and then points at the precious red and yellow flowers on the old man's desk.
Argos would love to have a heart and friendship plant. He smiled in his mind.

"You uh want me to give those to Argos.." The boss hesitated. Mr. Plant moves closer with the knife and the fat boss spontaneously agrees. "0-0kay, okay! I'll- I will! Just please don't kill me!" The old man begs, moving backwards until he hits the wall, large tears running down and visible boogers falling into his mouth.


The Day After

"Mr. Plant! Mr. Plant!" Argos cheerfully yells as he runs over to the other, giving him a hug. "I'm sorry, I know it's sudden but I wanted to say thank you!"

Thank you? Did he really found out that fast? How?

"For always staying by my side..."
Argos stops smiling, not making eye contact and looking away as if he was worried about something.
Mr. Plant uses his hand to hold up Argos chin up to his face.

Argos looks at him in the verge of tears. "I'm so sorry Mr. Plant for having to deal with someone like me! I got mad at you and... hiccup
ignored you for the rest couple of days! Oh you don't know how much I missed you!" Argos hugged him tightly.
But what Mr. Plant wanted to know is why now- or today instead of yesterday or tomorrow.

"I don't know why but I honestly don't want to bring it up, it feels wrong.
..." A moment of silence.
"I got over a $1,000, a plant that gives me dead hearts and another one that I could talk about my feelings! Both being safe too! Isn't that amazing?And it all came from my boss, although he was acting very strangely today..."

I should have known, he's just in a better mood today.
But that thought didn't bother Mr. Plant at all because the face Argos gives him, a wide smile with glistening eyes, made him forget everything.

The glow on his face, the pink fog surrounding him making everything around Argos invisible, and that warm, rising feeling in his chest (which he usually only gets when doing drugs).
If Mr. Plant could, he would've smile even wider.

Jealousy... (Argos X Mr. Plant)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن