Chapter Five (Jeah)

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Milo and I sat down at the back of the room. Tammy and Artie sat in the back row, waiting for us. 

Then Mrs. K began our math lesson. "Okay class sorry about the delay." She glared specifically at me. "Today we are going to review the new stuff we talked about yesterday." She began to write down on the chalkboard. At one point, the chalk screeched and I flinched. "I hope you all remember how to solve X in this equation-"

"Hey!" I gasped suddenly and uncontrollably.


I rubbed the spot on my head where the makeshift paper football struck me. "No, mam."

"Well then ZIP YOUR MOUTH!"

At least I had a reason to talk. When she wasn't looking, I looked around to see if any other people were aiming origami trinkets towards the back. I could hear some guys chuckle at the near-front of the room, and I shake my head in disgust. 

"Now today we are going to learn how to solve for A in a right triangle. The formula is A squared plus B squared equals C squared." Mrs. K continued to gab about formulas and I zoned out.  

Luckily I knew what she babbled on about. Formulas are too easy!  I thought. We were to take notes, but I would much rather let my thoughts roam. 


Milo looked at me and made a gun symbol with his hand. "Pow." He whispered. I giggled quietly, with my breaths being the only sound escaping.

From out of nowhere a hand slapped over my mouth, leaving me silent, stunned. With one thought I knew the hand belonged to the great-sticker upper I had always known through middle school. "Artie!" I mumbled from under her hand, but then I noticed the strange state she was in, and concern filled my words. "Artie?"

She slowly maneuvered her hand from my mouth to her's making her hand into a one large fist. Her eyelids drooped and her light and fierce eyes were pale because of the weariness attacking them. With the other hand on my desk she leaned over and shoved her pointed finger to my lips.  "SHHhh...Jeah, your WAYYY to loud man. Don't you to make you quiet-er-er?" Artie said sleepily.

"Artie! What are you talking about?" I asked.

She yawned and spoke softly. "I talking about my fist in Sye's mouth. I heard how rude he was to you and Milo."

" did?"

"Of course Honey!" Artie's eyes widened, showing me she was now awake and alert. "I've got sharp ears! My eyes in the sky, and the back of my head! Yes, I have a talent indeed, Ms. Winter."  Artie bragged.

Tammy butted in. "I did the work, Honey!"  Tammy said curling her fingers to emphasize the word 'honey'. She looked at me. "I told Artie what I heard."

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. We know. Way to steal my thunder, Tam!" Artie rose her voice a bit.

"Sorry." Tam said a bit louder.

"MS. loquacious!" Each member of the Outcasts was at attention, but she had already lost us with the word 'loquacious'. "SINCE YOUR ARE SO KIND TO RAISE YOUR VOICE, WHY NOT ANSWER AND EXPLAIN THIS PROBLEM TO THE REST OF THE CLASS? THAT IS NOT A REQUEST TAMMY!" Tammy straightened, realizing it was her being spoken to. "UP TO THE BOARD! NOW! CHOP CHOP! WE'VE ONLY GOT SIX MORE HOURS OF SCHOOL LEFT, AND YOUR'E NOT TO WASTE ANOTHER SECOND!" Our teacher and mentor paused and stared at us. I could see a grin play at the edge of her lipstick-stained lips. Tammy showed no sign of moving because she knows that she wasn't paying attention to the lesson. Tammy knows she is going to make a fool of herself if she walks up to the board, so what is the point of being embarrassed even more.

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