Don't Panic! (A Reply To An All Time Low Letter)

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To the Reckless and the Brave,

I apologize for having quite some time since we last spoke. I am sorry that I did what I did, but I had to leave for Baltimore, because this place was just getting too crazy for me. But, unbeknownst to me, I had woke up somewhere in Neverland. It was something I will never forget.

It was there that I had learned everything that I ever needed to know in life. Pretty much, I learned to live and let go, there's no use in holding a grudge over the irony of choking on a lifesaver. Our past, I am very grateful for, but I have to say so long, soldier.

But I will never forget that time where you gave me a backseat serenade. Lying under the stars, you had asked me, "What if these sheets were thes states?" To which I just chuckled and had shown you the outlines of our bodies pressed in the grass.

Terribly sorry that it has to be this way, but thanks to you, I can finally paint you wings. I wish I could keep you in my life, but the only think I want are the memories.

So long, and thanks for all the booze.

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