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The next day we were in the car on our way to school. Jake began to shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"What are you doing?" I asked him quietly.

 "You okay back there buddy?" Logan asks. 

"Yeah, just... My seats hot." Jake said awkwardly. 

 "Oh, Jake. I'm sorry, you can turn that down. There's a switch over there on the right." Logan said.

 "You know, long periods of exposure can cause second degree burns. It's called toasted skin syndrome." Junior said. 

 "This is ridiculous." Bree laughed.

"Look it up, it happens." Junior shrugged. 

 "No it doesn't. Don't pay attention to him." Bree said.

 "Remind me, what's your protein intake this week?" Logan asks Junior.

 "50 grams a day." replied Junior.

 "You should bump that up to 75."

 "But dad, states not untill the 15. Plus, I'm not a sprinter, and I only weighed 105 this morning."

"We wouldn't want to you get injure yourself a week before the most important game of your life. Just have a Clif bar before lunch, okay?" Logan said. 


 We arrived at the school and Junior came out. I was going to go out too, but I saw that Jake wasn't moving, so I waited for him. 

 "Still with the nightmares?" Logan asks us. 

"Take another week if you needed."

 "No. We think in this point thats better that we get out of the house." Jake said.

"Are you comfortable with us? You can be honest." Bree said.

"No. I mean we are comfortable, right Lira?" Jake asks me.

I looked at him and sighed. "Yeah."

"You guys have been really great. We both appreciate it. We should go." Jake said and walked outside, I quickly followed.

Logan rolled down the window and handed us some money. "Hey. For lunch."

Jake took the money and we started walking towards the front of the school.

 "You don't trust them, do you?" I asked Jake. 

 "What do you mean?" he asks me, confused.

 "Jake, they don't care about us. They took us because they had no choice. You don't believe they care about us, do you? You know we only have each other, right?"

"I know Lira. I just don't mean to be rude." he said and I nodded. 

 Everyone started whispering about us. Well, whispered is an understatement because we could hear them very well.

 "Why are they back?" 

 "What happen to their dad?" 

 "Did you see what he did with that doll?" 

 I grabbed Jake's hand. "Don't listen to them, okay?" Jake nodded.

"Hey, Weeler's." someone said to us. I looked up and saw Oliver walking towards us.

I moaned and started walking faster. "Oh no." 

Jake stopped me from walking away. "Calm down, okay?"

"Good to see you back. How are you doing?" he asks us, with a smile full of regret.

"Hey, Oliver. We're okay." Jake answered.

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