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Jake is at Devon's house.

He is very worried about Devon. I didn't go with Jake, the two of them have to be alone.

After about an hour, Jake returned.

He entered the room with tears in his eyes. I immediately got out of the bed and went to him.

"Jake, what happened?" I asked him.

"H-he said he's leaving.."


"Lira, he said he doesn't know if he's coming back to Jersey. H-he said when he looks at me, he sees his mother lying dead."

He continued to cry. I got angry. How could he say such a thing? Jake is not to blame for his mother's death.

"Jake, it's not your fault. He's upset, his mom died. We know how that feels, right? He'll talk to you when he feels ready."

He shook his head as he continued to cry and I hugged him.


Shit! It was already dark and Jake had disappeared. I looked everywhere for him but I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked for him all over the house, even all over town, but I couldn't find him. I called Lexy and she said she hadn't seen him. I tried calling Devon but he didn't answer so I went to his house. I hope he hasn't left.

I knocked on his door. After a while he opened the door.

"Lira? What are you doing here?" he asks me.

"Have you seen Jake?" I ask him, worried.

"Jake? He came to my house earlier, but I haven't seen him since."

"Shit." I muttered, worried.

"Why? What's wrong?" he asks me.

"Devon, he's gone."


"I've been looking everywhere for him but I can't find him. Lexy doesn't know where he is either."

I could feel my tears coming at any moment. What if Chucky... No, he's okay. Please, Jake, be okay.

"But where could he be?" he asks, worried.

"I don't know, I've been looking everywhere for him. Please Devon if he comes to you call me right away."

He nodded. "Of course."

"Okay. I'm leaving now. Bye, Devon."

"Bye, Lira."

I turned and started walking back to our house.

I am so worried. I've been looking for him all day and I can't find him. I decide to try calling him one more time.

Again he doesn't answer me.

I sigh and wipe away my tears.

Jake is fine. He should be fine.

Suddenly it started to rain.

Just great, this day couldn't get any worse.

When I get back to the house, I see the red car from Bree's funeral.

I get closer and see the same woman from earlier talking to Junior. What is she doing here?

They both turn to me when they see me. I approach them.

"Um, hello Miss." I say.

"Oh, hi. You must be Alira, Jake's sister, right?" she asks and I nod.

"You two don't know me yet, but I wanted to bring you something to help you through this difficult time."

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