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"Love you know I would never ever force you to do something no matter what, and if you're not comfortable calling them then please don't." He says as he pushed my hair behind one of my ears.

I had gotten a text from my mom saying she wanted me to call her and my dad. I hadn't spoken to them since I was sixteen.

Wilbur and I were now sitting on my bed across from each other discussing if I should or not.

"If I decide to call them, can you maybe stay with me while I do?" I ask.

"Of course." He smiles.

"You don't have to talk, I just need someone there." I say.

"If you want me to talk to them I will, and if you don't I won't, but i'll be right here to entire time." He says as he puts a hand on mine.

I hesitate for a moment. "Will you be mad if I don't call them?" He replies.

"Sweetheart I would never get mad at you, especially for something like that."

"Sweetheart?" I smile with a slightly red face.

"Thought maybe you were getting sick of being called love and darling all the time." He shrugs.

"Not in a million years." I smile. "I like sweetheart though."

"I like you." He smiles.

I jokingly gasp. "Wait really."

He bursts out in giggles. "Yeah."

"I like you too!" I laugh.

"No way!" He laughs.

"Will?" I ask.

"Hm?" He replies.

"Can you teach me how to play bedwars?" I ask.

"You've never played?" He asks as I shake my head. "Well then yes, let's go!"

He sits down on my chair at my desk and gets the game set up.

"Come here." He says, implying he wants me to just sit on his lap.

I look down at myself. I'm too heavy.

I go over to him and sit on the armrest on the chair, and he just gently pulls me down onto his lap, and continues loading up the game.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Yeah." I smile.

I put my hands on the controls, and Wilbur puts his hands on top of mine.

He moves my hands around the controls, and eventually we win a game.

"Aye good job love!" He smiles.

"You did all the work!" I laugh.

"Still, your hands were the ones on the controls." He smiles.

I played a few rounds of bedwars before just playing regular Minecraft, and Wilbur just holds me close to him with his arms wrapped firmly around my waist as he continuously kisses my jaw.

Suddenly, the power goes out.

There was currently a hurricane on the east coast, and New York was slightly affected by it meaning that there's tons of rain and fast winds.

"Shit." I say as the apartment lights go out, and the lights in the city viewed by my window go out, making the starts and the bright moon our only source of light.

"Hey, I mean we can see the stars better!" He smiles. "We should go watch them!"

"Wilbur I don't know if It's a good idea to go outside right now." I laugh.

"We can watch them from your bed!" He suggests.

"Alright." I smile.

We go over to my bed and sit down in front of the window while sitting across from each other, and Wilbur leans over and kisses me.

The kissed lasted a while, with him pulling away to catch his breath before kissing me again.

"Wilbur?" I say as he pulls away slightly.

"Hm?" He asks.

"Can we go get some candles so it's not as dark in here? They're in the living room." I ask.

"Of course darling." He smiles. "I'll go grab them."

"Thanks Will." I smile as he stands up after quickly kissing my forehead.

He leaves the room, and I quickly run into the bathroom connected to my bedroom and lock the door behind me.

I lean over the toilet, and start trying to make myself throw up.

Wilbur had been making sure I ate, which I was thankful for, but I didn't want to gain weight, I wanted to be pretty for him.

After every meal I would leave and go make myself throw up, I hadn't kept a meal down in almost a week, and I felt the effects of not eating.

Once I finished throwing up, I flush the toilet and go back to my room.

I stood at my desk on my phone, and he comes back in holding two candles.

"I got them." He smiles.

"Thanks!" I smile as I start to walk over to him.

I suddenly feel extremely light headed, and then everything went dark.

My eyes flutter open, and i'm now laying on my bed, and Wilbur's sitting with his legs crossed under him next to me.

"Will?" I ask quietly.

"Oh jesus christ Ver, you're awake." He says with a sigh of relief as he hugs me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You just passed out randomly." He says as I look away. "Do you know why?

I don't make eye contact with him and just nod.

"Why?" He asks.

"Promise you won't be mad?" I ask nervously.

"I will never get mad over something like that." He assures.

I take a deep breath. "I've been throwing up my food every time I eat for the past week."

"On purpose?" He asks.

"Yeah." I sniffle as I wipe my eyes.

"Why Ver?" He asks softly.

I sniffle again as tears stream down my face. "I just want to be pretty for you."

"Jesus Veronica." He sighs as he looks up, as if he was pushing down tears of his own. "I need you to listen to what i'm about to say, because I mean it with my life."

"What?" I sniffle as I look at him.

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen or will ever see. Veronica, you are so jaw-droppingly stunning. You will always, and I mean always be enough for me." He says as he puts a hand on the back of my head. "And I never want you to hurt yourself to be better for anyone else, especially me because any version of you is all I could ever ask for."

I sniffle again and look down before wiping my eyes, and he just pulls me into a tight hug as I cry onto his shoulder.

"I love you so much sweetheart." He whispers into my ear as he tightly hugs me and rubs my back.

This time, tears of happiness stream down my face. It was the first time we've said I love you, and I felt like he meant it.

"I love you so much Wilbur." I smile as I hug him tighter.

helpless \\ Wilbur Soot Where stories live. Discover now