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Stealing: These are not for the use of others without permission. I make these for the stories I write and would appreciate it if you didn't steal them.

Borrowing rules: If you wish to use one of my side effects, please contact me through the Wattpad DMs. Do not be upset if I do not let you borrow one. If this happens, it is because it is reserved for a story I am writing. If I allow you to borrow one, I expect you to properly credit me for its creation. 

 Online spaces: Wattpad is an online social reading platform that breaks down barriers between readers and writers. It encourages users to create and share their own stories in all genres, from teen fiction to poetry to action, adventure and more. It was meant to bring people together. Please be kind to each other in the comments.

Be respectful: Do not use harmful language or stereotypes that target people of all different gender, abilities, races, ages, ethnicities, languages, socioeconomic classes, body types, sexualities, and other aspects of humanity. Be a good person; any form of harassment will result in your comment being reported. 

Side Effect IdeasWhere stories live. Discover now