Author Note

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Dear valued readers,

I will be re-doing this book. I have not been able to complete what I have wished with this book. While this book is an outlet for me to share my ideas, I have yet to do it as I wish. 

My desire for this book was to merge my love of biology and world trigger to create a unique description of the ideas I came up with. However, I have not been able to be as scientific, detailed, and specific as I had desired with my descriptions. The only one that came close to what I wanted was the page on enhanced body language processing. However, even that did not turn out as I originally wanted. 

Initially, I included minimal scientific detail in my ideas because I believed it would discourage readers from reading my book, as research to understand what I was saying might be necessary. Additionally, I thought most would find it neutral and objective, with little focus on how it would affect the individual; as I wanted to model it in the same vein I would write a scientific report. However, I have decided that this is my place to publish what I enjoy, and I am going to format it the way I want it; loss of hits be damned. 

So, I will be rewriting the entries and re posting them. I will delete the current entries as I complete the rewritten version.

As well, I will be getting rid of the promotional image displaying the next release date. Instead I will be redoing it to state the name of the next side effect I will post. I will also be placing that at the end of the last entry instead of on its own page. 

I hope you will be able to appreciate the additional depth I will explain my ideas with. To address the concern of necessary additional research on the reader's part, I will attempt to explain any and all terminology I use in the description. 

I will most likely be redoing the entries in chronological order but I may redo them in order of my intrigue and ideas. 



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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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