The End of Problems

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Tord worked on the gun until it was only a few screws from done. One last day. He wanted one last day to say goodbye. Even if Tom wouldn't want it. He knew if Tom knew what was happening, both of them wouldn't want it. One would want to stay and the other would want to come back.

"One more," Tord muttered aloud to himself, grabbing Tom's attention. "One more what?" Tom asked. Tord looked up to see Tom on the floor sprawled out. Tord laughed before patting Tom on the head. He needed to pat the fuck out of Tom's head, it was something Tord knew he needed to do because Tom would never let him once he gets his memory back.

"Nothing," Tord smiled. Tom returned the smile and rolled back onto the floor and out the room. He was acting really weird today. Tord brushed it off putting it under as he was acting like a dog. It was something he and Tord would do if they were bored. Tord turned to the gun one last time before following Tom outside the room. He found Tom in the kitchen holding a bag of chocolate donuts in his mouth and a glass of milk in his left hand as he closed the fridge door. They looked at each other with a dumbfounded frown.

"What are you doing?" Tord asked, Tom looked really stupid. Tom made a couple of grunts waving his free hand crazily. He moved his left hand spilling a small amount of milk on the floor, luckily for Tom it wasn't on his sleeve. Tom frowned in disappointment. He set the donuts and milk on the table before cleaning the little but he dropped. 

"Cookies taste better with milk than donuts," Edd yawned, walking into the kitchen. He reached in the fridge and pulled out bacon. Tom grabbed the cookies from the cabinet before sitting down. Matt came in shortly after, he grabbed the box of Loop Fruits from on top of the fridge. 

"I'll make you something too, don't worry." Edd said, referring to the bacon. Tord smiled before sitting down next to Tom. One last day to sit down next to Tom. Tord couldn't help but think about how much will change. Matt sat across from Tord. He placed his purple bowl on the table and poured his milk first and then the cereal. Tord got a little upset at Matt for pouring his milk first.

"You're supposed to pour the cereal first," Tord muttered. Matt looked down at his bowl then at Tord who had a very annoyed look on his face. Matt then looked at the milk carton and cereal box. He poured more cereal and then the milk.

"Well you can't fix it now! You already poured your bowl! I was telling you for next time!"Tord yelled, putting his hands forward clearly upset. Edd laughed as he came back with the bacon. Tord yelled at Matt because he kept pouring the milk first.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Edd asked, pulling out his phone. The three stared at him as if he asked the impossible then at each other. They didn't have any plans, not even Tord had a plan.

"We can go to ASDF Land," Matt suggested. No one seemed opposed. And that's what they did. They went to ASDF Land. When they got there Edd and Matt split up into their own group as Tom and Tord were left together. Again. Neither minded being with each other.

"What do you want to do?" Tom asked, looking at Tord. "Arcade?" Tord asked to make sure it was okay with Tom. Tom nodded his head as they headed to the arcade. No one was there, but that's normal for ASDF Land. A lot of people knew about it, but never went. They went to the RPG games Tord beat Tom every time and easily beat number one on the leaderboard each time leaving the leaderboard with Tord in every slot.

"Want to try the claw machine?" Tord asked, pointing at one full of beer bottle plushies. He thought Tom might like it, but he wouldn't like it as much as he would normally. Surprisingly Tom nodded his head and walked over. Tord put in the credits and tried to get the Smirnoff one, but failed miserably. That's when Tom hit a smug look on his face and one almost instantly. 

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