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Irene hurriedly walks towards Karina's room. she knocks on the door a few times but there's no answer. She decided to just burst into the room. that's a bad decision for her.

"oh my god!" Irene looks away immediately, seeing her sister fully undressed with her wife.

Karina slowly opens her eyes, noticing Irene at the door. She casually gathers her clothing and put it on. Before anything, she covers Winter with a blanket.

"meet me in Seulgi's room. I need help." Irene then leaves the room.


Seulgi is laying on the bed still. In the room, there are Yeji, Irene, and Ryujin.

"what happened?" Karina asked.

"I made a mistake." Irene sits beside Seulgi on the bed. "I tried to bring back her memories in her sleep."

"you do understand that we always need consent, right?" Karina sighs in disbelieve. "where's Vivian?"

"she's looking for some herbs with Giselle." Ryujin replied.

"you have to do it gradually, Irene. You can't just open up everything." Karina then places her hand on Seulgi's head. it's burning hot and sweaty.

"I really miss her. I thought I'd never see her again."

"I don't really know what happened between you guys, but please wake her up." Ryujin said concerned.

"we're trying."

"is there anything I can help?" Yeji too, doesn't know what to do since she has no other ability other than mindreading and intermediate magic.

"just let me and Irene take care of her."

Ryujin and Yeji decided to just walk out of the room and hang out in the living room.

"where's Karina?" Winter asked as she approached the two.

"why? You wanna bang her again?" Ryujin chuckles. "she's in professor Kang's room. she's sick."

"how come?" Winter sits across them.

"I don't know. Irene tried something then she can't wake up this morning. High fever and stuff."

"alright. Where's the others?" Winter asked.

"Wendy and the guys are hunting; Vivian and Giselle are looking for some herbs for Seulgi."

"and you let those girls go alone?" Winter raised an eyebrow.

"I was still asleep." Ryujin defended herself.

"oh please, you just wanna have your time with your girl."


It's been hours and Giselle and Vivian haven't got back from the woods. Wendy, Felix, and Chris are already preparing the dinner.

"don't you think we should look for them?" Ryujin suggested.

"Vivian is always like that. doing something unnecessary." Yeji replied.

"but if they know we need it urgently, they'd be back as fast as they could." Irene said. She too, had a bad gut feeling about them.

"then, I'll go with Chris." Winter said as she placed the last plate on the table.

"I'm in." Chris chimed in, wiping his hands on his shirt.

"be careful okay?" Karina approached Winter. she won't hesitate to use her hand to tilt Winter's head upwards and kiss her in front of her family.

Winter's eyes widened. She gently pushes Karina away with an awkward smile.

"aye, chill. We don't mind a little PDA." Ryujin wiggles her eyebrow.

"alright. Hope we can make it before midnight." Winter took a deep breath before finally going outside the mansion.


Chris and Winter are now walking deep into the woods. Vivian usually marked a place she been to. The two tries to follow the markings on the rocks and trees, making sure that they're on a right path.

"hey, look at that." Chris aims his flashlight towards a tree. "that's not like the other marks."

"looks like a slash to me." Winter shrugs. She then aims her flashlight to the other trees around her.

Winter gets panicked when she saw almost all trees are marked with slashes from daggers and knifes.

"I'm gonna fucking kill that old man." Winter huffs. "lets get out of here."

"we should tell them. We can't just go alone." Chris said as he chases Winter. "do you even know where we're going?"

"Vivian is smart. I know she'll leave something on the way. Keep looking." Winter said, getting busy with her flashlight.

"we can't face them alone. You're being too impulsive." Chris grabs her shoulder.

"you're being a coward." Winter turns around.

"well, I can't fight with your stubbornness." Chris sighs. "let's just look around some more."


Hours has passed, Winter and Chris decided to rest a bit, sitting under a tree.

"what now? I'm starving." Chris said, rubbing his stomach.

"it doesn't feel right to just leave them." Winter sighs. She too starts to feel hungry.

"what if Yeji was right? they're just messing around on a village or something."

"then, they can let Seulgi suffer? Think not, Chris."

After some time, contemplating, the two heard some giggles and footsteps from some girls.

"Giselle! Vivian!" Winter stands up, calling them.

"are you sure that's them?" Chris asked unsure.

"how do you not know your friends' voice?" Winter shook her head.

The two then proceeds to follow the voice. At last, Winter noticed Giselle and Vivian walking towards them.

"oh, god." Winter rushed to them. "where have you been?"

"we kinda forgot about time." Giselle let out a nervous laugh. "here are the herbs." Giselle held up a basket.

"you shouldn't do that. we're worried about you guys." Winter sighs. "alright, let's go back."

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