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Seulgi is getting better day by day. to make sure she's really okay, the students insisted that she stays for some more days.

"how long am I supposed to stay here? Heechul will kill me. even worse, he'll kill you all." Seulgi sighs.

"so you know?" Winter asked, getting a little pissed. "all his plan."

"not all. but I know for sure that he despises witches." Seulgi replied. "I clearly don't know what's his plan but me and Siwon are not getting involved in such cruelty."

"ah, so that's why you helped me the other day?"

"not initially. I'm trying to stop Heechul. But, seems like you guys are strong enough." Seulgi shows a little smile.

"wait, are you and Siwon close?" Irene chimed in.

"of course. he's a good man. A little weird but a great person. I've known him for years so, we are pretty close."

"anyway." Winter breaks the tension. Irene doesn't seem happy with the answer. "I'm gonna hang out with the others."


While having a chill time with the now housemates, Winter is thinking about her things at her dorm. She wants to get her knifes and daggers collections, clothes, and her personal stuff including her family picture that's still on her other pants' pocket.

"I will get it for you." Karina said to Winter, sipping her tea.

"where did you get that big mouth?" Winter scoffed, teasing her. "how are you gonna do that, anyway?"

"I will get my puppet to blend in and you just have to wait." Karina shrugs. "and by the way, you like this mouth." Karina leaned closer.

"sure I do." Winter stifles a laugh.

"Winter! come on join us! we haven't train together in a long time." Giselle called her.

Winter gladly joins them, doing her practice like she used to. Difference is, they're doing if for fun, poking each other with minimal effort.

While the hunters are having fun, Karina decided to do what she told to Winter. it's an easy task for her just to get Winter's stuff into the mansion.


The hunters, along with Wendy, are chatting casually on the backyard. It's already dinner time but they seem to really enjoy their time together.

"do you think the dinner is ready?" Ryujin asked.

"no one called us." Felix shrugs. "should I check?"

"we'll check them." Chris and Felix stand up, going inside the mansion.

"where's Karina?" Wendy just noticed.

"probably in her room." Winter replied.

"sounds like you don't care." Wendy scoffed.

"should I worry about her all the time? no, right?" Winter shrugs.

"maybe you should. Heechul can come again." Giselle chimed in.

"how do you know? if that's the case, then I'll be the frontline." She confidently said.

"aren't you a little cocky?" Wendy nudged her arm. "I'll be your right hand, then."

"oh! I'll be the left!" Ryujin chimed in. "hey, I'm kinda hungry. let's go."

The four of them walks in, going to the dining room.

"where are the others?" Ryujin asked as she sits down.

Winter feels something is off. She walks to the kitchen to check what's going on. Her heart drops when she sees Irene and Yeji unconscious on the floor.

"Ryujin!" Winter called her. she kneels in between Yeji and Irene, checking their pulse. "shit." She said when she barely feels the pulse. "Ryujin!"

Instead of Ryujin, Wendy bursts into the room in panic.

"run! Get away from here!" Wendy exclaimed then running out of the room.

Winter spends no time before going out, chasing Wendy. Turns out, Wendy passed out right in front of the front door. Before leaving, she runs back to Ryujin.

"Ryu- oh fuck." Winter groaned upon seeing Ryujin passed out as well.

Winter gets panicked even more. She then runs towards Karina's room. right when she opens the door, the room is empty. She doesn't know what to do, at least what to do to her friends. Giselle and Vivian are gone, along with Karina. Mentally cursed, she runs outside the mansion, intending to just go to the academy. In the corner of her eyes, she can see Felix and Chris laying face down on the ground, as if chasing someone then fall down.

Realizing that she's alone, Winter walks back into the mansion. Patiently, she takes her friends and gather them on the living room.

"what should I do now?" Winter scratched her head, thinking.

She then checks them closely. All of them has the same greenish wounds on their neck, as if poisoned by something. Winter sighs. First, she doesn't know about poisons and drugs, on the other hand, she can't just stay here, drowning in her own thoughts.

Following her gut, she decided to just go to the academy herself. Leaving them here is not a great idea either. But, it's better to do that than wasting time doing nothing. So, she grabs everything she needs from Vivian's room, all the weapons she can carry in all her pockets.

"I hope these are enough." 

HUNTER  (WINRINA AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang