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Blackmore x Cronin
An steamy hot love story between 2 teachers
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Susan sighed once again.

Looking out the frosted window, full of disdain. The glass was mildly fogged, making the view outside glossy.

The sad look never leaving her face, as she glanced down towards the handfull of paperwork and grading she still ought to do.

Another sigh escaped.

Life was always full of surprises. The thing about surprises, is the fact that it doesn't always equivalate to good. Sometimes life guides you to people that are way out of your league, and the only thing you're capable of doing is to stare and admire them from afar and never be able to approach or talk to them because you're way to scared of rejection-

Well.. exaggerations are always a possibility, but not in Susan's case.

Her eyes, one again wandered out, spotting a blurry figure carefully approaching the frosted glass. The silhouette enlarging and darkening every step it took... Closer and closer until the whole window was engulfed in black.

Tap tap.

"Turn off your monitors, Susan."

Life really was full of surprises.

An all too familiar voice.

Glass acting as a barrier between her and the man on the other side.

"O-oh Liam I didnt expect to see you here."

Liam who seemingly waited outside, spoke up.

"Well, today is Christmas. Why aren't you outside with the others having fun?"

With the realization that he came looking for her, a warm feeling arose, accompanied by slight shyness.

"O-oh well, i needed to finish some p-papers so i stayed behind."

A moment of silence.

Liam was pondering on what to say. Meanwhile it felt like an eternity for Susan. 'What if i said something wrong?', 'What if he wont like me anymore?', 'Why did i just reject him?!' Millions of stressing thoughts struck her cranium like speeding bullets.

As she panicked in her own head, Liam bursts in through the window, shattering the glass. Shards flew against his body, all stucking itself onto his dick. Susan yelped submissively, looking down at his flopping cock hanging out shamelessly, now bloody and hard.

She blushed and immediately got wet.

"Sorry Susan, but i just couldn't hold back anymore. Every day i jerk off to those naked hoes in VR, thinking of you.. And each time i tell the kids to turn off the monitors in my class, i get a boner because of my disgusting kink. But, none of that can compare to your wrinkling face and dirty pussy."

Susan gasped, shocked.

"R-r-r-really Liam? You? Liam Cronin liking me?"

Liam nodded. His bald shinny head, glistening in the morning lights of the sunny winter. Still having his dick caved in by glass, drops of blood spilling all over the floor.

"I want you to talk dirty to me with those plumpy lips of yours. whispering your ABCs, lecturing and degrading me about my english."

Susan's pussy clenched.

"O-oh L-Liam! That's all I've asked for. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this day!"

Beaming and crying her eyes out, she ran towards Liam, leaping herself into his arms and his embrace.

What she truly expected was a twig build, boney and crusty, just like the Liam of her dreams. But what she got, wasn't what she had hoped. Cronin was buff. Buffer than any men she'd ever layed eyes on. She quickly let go of him, clasping her hands together as she spoke.

"L-Liam, i thought you said you didn't do anything else other than yell at kids and do VR porn."

Liam smirked, an evil grin unmasked itself.

"Foolish Susan. You don't undertand me at all, do you? I've already mastered all 69 sex positions in VR; every hip thrust, every cum, every homosexual interaction has made me the King of Sex."

Susan backed away in fear. Shaken by the man she knew so well. They used to be so unbelievably close, they were best friends. All the memories of late night VR hookups and pissing on kids for no absolute reason, reminding her of the man she used to love, now viciously looming over her.

He wasn't Liam anymore.

He was the King of Sex.

While she,

was nothing.

Susan continued to back away in fear. Shaking. Tears threatened to fall as every step she took back, Liam took another intimate step.

Not able to keep her balance, her wrinkly legs went numb. Tripping over her own feet, she hit the floor, hard.
Trapped by Cronin's alpha presence, she whimpered like a dog.

Suddenly, Liam ripped open his shirt, revealing his 12 packs. He grabbed her head, shoving her face deeply on them hard buns, rubbing it up and down as her face made friction with his abs.

"Sniff it up bitch, before i start going binary coding on you." he laughed.

Moments passed, with Liam gripping on her and not letting her head leave his packs. She slowly went limp.

The bitch fucking died.

Liam fucked her dead body. His thrusts in morse code counting up ABCs.

She woke up it was all a dream.

jk no it wasnt lol
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50 percent who
'it was all a dream' was a inside joke if u didnt notice

rip susan blackerthanever dead af

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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