Arousing Thoughts

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Edit: very bad grammar from 2 yrs ago

K x Aci
K fantasizes
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She panted heavily, feeling the urge building up. Sweat drizzled down her forehead as her lips shivered caused by the lack of contact. How she desired the other. Their pair of hands gripping and touching her body. How bad she felt the need of just throwing herself into the redheads embrance, and not caring one bit what the other would do to her.

The desire K felt was pure bliss.

She subconsciously licked her lips as she needily thought about her lustful fantasies. Biting her lips forcefully, not wanting her moans to be heard. The agony of not being able to feel them, was surely immense torture.

"f-fuck me.."

She groaned, rather frustrated. God, she wanted to be touched so badly.

She had always eyed the other in a different light. There were times whenever Aci asked the other to hang out, K would always end up shooting small glances at the other's features, with so much adoration. But unfortunately, the other wasn't very bright. As one would say, exceptionally clueless.

As time went by, the want, became need. She would lay awake at night just thinking about them. Simple things, as what they might be doing, or even much sinful thoughts, including how they would look pressed under her body, touching the other all over. Nevertheless, whenever those thoughts popped into her head, she would just curse herself and try to get back to sleep. Key word, she tried.

As expected, a small crush gradually grew into an unhealthy obsession. Not in a creepy way but still an unhealthy one. The fact that the other still hadn't found out, was rather surprising, considering how unsubtle she was with her infatuation of the other.

She squirmed needfully in her bed. The more she thought about the other, the more the need to touch herself.

While she was gripping herself together, footsteps were heard.

The person's pace was strong and firm, as they stopped right on the other side of her door. For a moment there was only silence. Shortly, an subtle falter was made out. A pause between words, continued by an succeeding comprehensive sentence. It was easy to recognise who the voice belonged to.

"Hey, K? You alright in there?"

The other sofly spoke, with a tone of concern and worry, a hint of amusement which K had yet to decipher.

K was agitated. They couldn't see her like this, not when she'd been keeping all her lustful notion in turmoil. She didnt have the courage to confront the other, much less letting them find out in this awful state in time. She wanted the other gone, they didnt need to see her in such humiliating position. But a similar conviction in the back of her mind, was repulsively turned on by the mere fact of getting caught. It was truly sickening to even think about, yet she just couldn't help but be consumed with the desires that lust brought.

"Mhm.. Im f-fine."

She didnt know what to do. For a moment she wanted to just risk it all, and scream for the other to fuck her for good. But the other part of her, just wouldn't give up her already vanquised pride.

"... Can i come in?"

Moments passing, only silence greeting back. Until briefly, an faint clicking sound brought her out from pondering.

K panicked.

She quickly shot up, stifling a low grunt from the sudden action, forcing her muscles to be pulled. Her door was open, and the person she so desperatly tried to avoid, was standing by the doorframe looking at her wide eyed, a hint of warryness plastered on their face. The other quickly noticed how strained K looked, cheeks flushed and tinted in red.

"Hey.. uh sorry i barged in," the other stated apologetically, "It's just that you didn't answer me, and i kinda got worried."

The palm of the other rested on their neck, as they rubbed it in discomfort. Clearly feeling a little awkward, after suddenly jolting the others door open.

"I said that i was fine.. just go away Aci.."

Aci faltered, a hint of pain surging past their expression. They stood there unmoving, occasionally fiddling with their fingers. Eventually, after a period of uncomfortable silence, they spoke up.

"You know, if you have any problems, you can tell me right? Im your friend after all."

Im your friend.

Those words.

A stung in the chest.

She didnt realise those words, were what it took for a million blades to struck her formely sulking heart.

How pathetic she was.

"I told you Aci. I'm completely fine, see?"

K choked out, forcing an grin up her lips, hoping the other would not suspect her previous gestures. Aci eyed her questioningly, seeming lost in thought.

Seconds had passed. Maybe minutes. K didn't care to know. All she could make out was the fact her heart rate quickened. She was too preoccupied as she worried it would jump out of her chest any seconds by far.

She was tremendously nervous.

Thoughts of Aci suspecting or worse, finding out her shameful inclination, was always at the back of her head, haunting her. It was the last thing she wanted them to know.

While K was debating and panicking in silence, Ace spoke up, snaping K out of her daze.

"Uh, alright then. I believe you, but just remember your my friend and i'll always be there for you, capiche?" Aci stated, almost in a whisper. Their tone of voice was gentle and genuine. If it wasn't for that, K was sure she wouldn't have heard them talk, considering being lost in thoughts just moments earlier.

Aci eyed K promisingly. Their eyes gleaming sofly, with a layer of tenderness, causing her to go red.

Both of them glanced at each others eyes, seemingly focusing on something. Quite frankly, K seemed to daze out for the tenth time, it might as well be a recurring hobby of hers.

In the middle of her contemplation, a quiet cough pulled her out of her stun. She glanced up, Aci was looking at her expectantly, evidently waiting for an answer of some sort. K's face once again flushed red, as she became embarrassed. Quickly stammering an thoughtless response, she piped up.

"Ah! Uh-uh right! Sorry, I'm just a little tired, haha." Pretending to laugh it off, wanting to dismiss the matter as soon as possible, although feeling slightly awkward.

Ace stood there, eyeing her skeptically, later decided to brush it off. Buying off her awful excuse, unknowingly for K's relief.

"Alright then, I'll leave you alone. Get some sleep, ok?"

It was more of an order, than an question, really.

Before K could answer, the door was already closed half-way, as she spotted Aci's eyes on her before the door was carefully shut with an click.

She sat there unmoving, as she glimpsed at the same spot against the doorframe Aci once stood just moments before. Gazing longingly, already missing the shorters presence.

Prudently lifting up the bed sheets, she slid in. The warmth, welcoming her once again. Thinking of the other, as she driffeted off into an anxious slumber.

Sometimes its best to forget.


No regrets
Went from steam to angst
Im so hot

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