Battle Girlfriend?

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Nemona:Let's go again! One more battl-

Clavell:Mastee Y/N and his Sprigatto are surely weary already from that last battle

Y/N:You can go again, right?

He said to his Sprigatito which jumped up and down

Y/N:Then another battle should be fine

Clavell:Are you sure?


Nemona:I want you to have my kids!

Y/N:What!? We just met fifteen minutes ago!

Nemona:I finally met someone who loves battles just as much as me, we have to get married!

Y/N:I'm filing a restraining order!

Nemona:What!? Not again!

Y/N:What do you mean again!? What does she mean again!?

Clavell:I have no idea Master Y/N, but can I trust you to take our new schoolmate under your wing. Miss Nemona?

Nemona:You bet, sir! You have a smartphone right?


Nemona:Let me see it

Taking out his phone Nemona proceeded to put her number and the pokedex app on his phone

Nemona:The pokedex app will automatically put the Pokémon you catch into the dex

Clavell:I have matters to discuss with your parents Miss Nemona. Could I depend on you to see Master Y/N to the academy

Y/N:Your leaving me with this psycho!?

Clavell:Is that a problem?


Nemona:Leave it to me sir!

Y/N:I'll find it myself!

He said sprinting away to which Nemona got into a running position

Nemona:You won't get away from me that easily

Sprinting after him Y/N turned around to see quickly catching up to him


But not paying attention Y/N had fell off a cliff landing face first into the sand below

Nemona:Are you okay N/N?

Standing up slowly Y/N locked up to see a weird Pokémon

Y/N:Yeah, but there's a weird Pokémon down here


Y/N:Who cares it's mines now

He said throwing a pokeball at the Pokémon and successfully catching him

Y/N:Nice, how do I get up now?


After using the help of the weird Pokémon Y/N had gotten back up the cliff as him and Nemona made stood at the top of a lighthouse

Y/N's Mind:Wait did I just trap myself up here with this women? Her craziness is affecting me

Nemona:That huge building with the pokeball on it is our school! It's gonna be so great having you in the same class, Y/N!

Y/N:Same, I'm really gonna enjoy being in the same class as you!

Y/N's Mind:Hopefully me being nice doesn't make her try anything

Nemona:Y'know Y/N, I wanna be your battle girlfriend!


Nemona:It's like a actual girlfriend, but we battle anytime we see each other

Y/N's Mind:This seems like a double edged sword, I don't really care though

Y/N:I'd love to have you as my battle girlfriend



Immediately Nemona jumped onto Y/N kissing him

Nemona:While no one is here, let's breed!


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