Road To Greatness

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Y/N:How do I find the gyms? Hm... I can't believe I'm saying this but... I've gotta find Nemona

After an hour of building up the courage Y/N made his way to the staff room and as he entered a women stood in front of him

???:My, my, Nemona was right, you are a handsome boy, unfortunately I don't have time to play with you

And with that she left as Y/N looked at Nemona horrified

Y/N:What the fuck did she mean by that?

He said emphasizing the fuck as Nemona giggled and ran over to him

Nemona:Oh I'm sure it's nothing, but do you should probably let her know you aren't a fan of being tied up

Y/N:... can I just get the locations of the gyms so I can leave?

Nemona:Oh, you already wanna take on the gums?

Y/N:I guess...

Nemona:I am too!

Y/N:Aren't you already a champion?

Nemona:Mhm! But I wanna challenge them again! What do you say we got together?

Y/N:You'll probably follow me even if I say no

Nemona:Oh Y/N, you know me so well, but first let's check out your very own private room, Y/N!

Grabbing his hand Nemona ran at the speed out sound making it to his room in seconds


Nemona:Ta-ta-tachán! From today on, this is your room, Y/N! Actually, it's as new to me as it is to you. Never been in here before

Y/N:Why did you need to specify that?

Nemona:No reason, why don't we try out our new bed, looks comfy


Nemona:Mhm! And the window is near it, so every can see my slutty face when your taking me from behind




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Nemona:Then afterwards we'll have a Pokémon battle!

As Nemona walked over to his bed instantly got on all fours before pulling her shorts down

Nemona:See, no panties! I've waited for this moment my entire life!

Y/N:We've only met each other today!


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