A loud pop came from beside Springtrap. Carrie sat up so fast that she hit her head. Springtrap sat up but not as quickly. When he saw what was standing there, he wished he was still in the office, or being springlocked, he wished he was anywhere but where he was right now. Standing, well more like sitting, there were two spirits. One was a girl with black hair, bear ears and an angry frown on her face. The other was a boy with brown hair and blue tears streaming down his face. Carrie didn't reconize the spirits but Springtrap did. He wasn't afraid of the angry spirit. He was afraid of the small boy. He recognized the spirits haircut. It was his son.

The angry spirit pointed to where her ear would have been, gesturing that she heard everything Springtrap had just said. The other spirit floated over to Springtrap, and was soon playing with one of his ears. Carrie looked from the worried Springtrap to the small ghost and smiled. She nodded as the spirit hugged the terrified rabbit. Spring was hesitant at first, but then hugged back, a smiled edging it's way onto his face. They proceeded to talk in sign language, which Carrie hardly understood but condensed it down to:

S: i'm sorry Chris, i should have insisted we went somewhere else, i should have taken better care of you and the others, i should have-

Springtrap stoped his apologies when he saw his son trying to silence him.

C: we can't change the past.

S: i know...

The roof creaked loudly and finally snapped, as Carrie fell through the ceiling. Chris floated over to the new hole in the ceiling and then looked at Spring before signing, "Is the doggy okay?"

Springtrap looked at him bewildered and asked, "There's a dog?"
Carrie let out a few curses, trying to keep the kid as innocent as possible then yelled, "I'm not a dog!"
Springtrap let out a snicker before crawling over to the hole. "you sure about that you mangy mutt?" He asked, imitating Foxy's voice for the last part.

This was short, but i ran out of ideas.

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