Years Later

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A blond teenage girl was packing her stuff in her bag, preparing to leave her cottage that morning.

She wore a yellow and white short dress below knees along the sunflower patterns decorated in it.

She also use white long socks and short high heels. Lastly, her hand were covered with gloves and long cloak attached to her dress.

After she's done with her bag, she looked herself in the mirror. She can see her reflection clearly but not long after that, another different reflection appeared in the mirror.

She smiled to the other reflection before spoke.

" Don't worry. As long as you in me, you will live. "

She picked her bag and exited from her cottage before took a deep breath and with that, she started her journey.


The girl finally arrived at the place called Teyvet that evening. The place were crowded with pupils and have some open markets along the way.

She went to one of the markets to buy some of her favorite green apples and grapes.

After that, she picked an apple she bought and took a bite while the rest is in her bag.

The blond girl walked aimlessly at the street until she found herself in a small river with beautiful lights lighten up the place.

There were no people, which makes the girl have some peace for a bit while enjoying the scenery with the apple in her right hand.

" This place is beautiful, right? "

" Yeah, it's one of my favorite places to go and relax back in the days. "

" Hey, don't be sad. When the time is right, you will be back in no time. "

* smile * " You're right. "

Suddenly, an explosion happened at the town, along the panicked sounds came from the pupils can be heard. She immediately ran towards the town as fast as she can.


She ran past the crowds in opposite way until she saw the Abyss attacking the town. There were about 35 of them.

But before the girl could do anything, someone appeared near them and eliminate some of the Abyss in quick motion.

She glanced towards the mysterious person, which she immediately knew who he is.

It was Xiao.

He was fighting them one by one in focus, unaware someone was behind him. One of the Abyss sprinted towards him with a sword in it's hand, ready to strike.

But suddenly, all of them were covered with a bright light.

I was fighting the enemy when I realized something's wrong. I looked back and saw one of the Abyss soldier near me and ready to stab me with the sword.

But before that happens, a bright light appeared and I immediately close my eyes. After a few seconds later, I opened my eyes back and stunned.

A blond girl was standing right in front of me, stormy blue eyes pierced with mine.

She raised her right hand into the air before punching the ground hard.

In the blink of an eye, the same enemy that tried to stab me with a sword earlier got trapped in ice shards, holding them to the ground.

The mysterious girl then tighten her hand into fist, crushing the soldier to death. The other Abyss were shocked and tried to escape.

Unfortunately for them, they couldn't. An ice sword formed on her hands and with that, all of them were defeated in a few seconds.

As soon as the girl defeating the Abyss, she looked towards Xiao, which he slowly approaching her.

The Girl: Are you okay, mister?

Xiao: I - I'm fine. Thank you for saving me back there.

The Girl: * smile softly * You're welcome.

Before anything else happens, the girl suddenly fainted but luckily Xiao caught her just in time.

He didn't know what to do that time so he decided to bring her to his place.

He picked up the girl's bag and slung it to his back while shifting her into a bridal style in his arms.

After that, he started to leave the place in silence.

Chapter two is out, guys! I'm sorry if my ideas isn't great but I hope you will enjoy this one like the other chapter.

Bye - bye and take care you all!

DANDELIONS ( GENSHIN IMPACT )Where stories live. Discover now