Chapter 7 - Frustration

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P106 skidded a stick along the dirt. He sat in front of a tree in an attempt to draw it. He remained right outside old man Clover's tent, waiting for LTK101 to finish his hypnosis. He hoped it was some sort of good hypnosis, not like what they had experienced in the dome. LTK101 was just being un-hypnotized, right? He added the fruit dangling on the tree. His drawing skills weren't great, in the dome they weren't allowed to draw. Although, they did stencils once in a while in the first year or two in school.
He stood up to admire his drawing, but was only left with disappointment. It looked nothing like the real thing. Didn't help that he had a flipper and had an already shaky grip.
Suddenly, a rabbit bumped into him from behind. "Oh, crap!" He shouted nervously as P106 stumbled to catch himself, trying not to step on his drawing. "Hey!" P106 turned around to see the culprit. He was searching the dirt. "No, no, no!" He yelled, sifting his hands into the dirt. "Whats wrong?" P106 leaned toward him. "I dropped an ancient artifact that I had just discovered- I was going to show the village- oh, here it is." He pulled out a rusty round thing from the dirt. "What is that?" P106 asked in awe. "A peso." The rabbit said. "Peso?" P106 perplexed. "Yeah. It was a Mexican currency pre-nuclear fallout."
"Whats Mexican? Whats currency?"
"What? OH MY GOD." The rabbit said. "You're the dormie, aren't you? Oh my god. Nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you." He shook Peso's hand. "Mexican is like Mexico which was like a country which was a place on a continent called South America. And currency was a thing they used to exchange stuff for stuff. Like, hey kid you want that tree? 18 pesos and you got a deal." He huffed. "So whatcha doing out here?"
P106 blushed as he tried to absorb what the rabbit had told him. "Uhm... I was... trying to draw that tree on the dirt. It didn't come out right. It looks nothing like the tree."
The rabbit leaned down to inspect his art. "Well that looks pretty good to me," he said.
"But, it doesn't look anything like it!" P106 sighed.
"You know, it doesn't have to be realistic to be good." The rabbit replied.
"Oh." P106 blushed. "Really?"
"Yeah, of course! Art is all about abstraction. Okay, well, I'm gonna go show the others this peso. Bye!" The rabbit hurried away. P106 wondered what the rush was about. And besides, why was all this ancient stuff so important to them? He decided to move somewhere more comfortable and less dirty to wait for LTK101.

The session took hours. Night had approached by the time LTK101 came out of the tent. P106 noticed him stumbling nearby the campfire, where he and some of the villagers were sitting. "LTK101, come here! The fire is warm," he said. He made room for LTK101 to take a seat. He slouched without a word. He looked stunned.
"So, how did it go?" P106 asked, nervously smiling.
"I..." LTK101 stammered. "I remember everything."
"Yeah? Do you want to talk about it?" P106 asked, putting a flipper on his leg.
"Fuck, yeah. Yeah. I wanna talk about it. Where's everybody else?" LTK101 shuddered in anticipation like an encapsulated reature.
"Okay, I'll go find the others. You wait here okay?" He patted LTK101 on the back as he got up from his seat on the log to go find his friends.

The villagers and the numeral group sat around the campfire, waiting for LTK101 to start. He played with his fingers nervously as he felt the pairs of eyes softly sink onto him. "I..." he began. He looked around once more. "I wasn't always a dormie."
"What?!" T104 yelled, breaking the awkward silence. "I know, I know! I'm just as shocked as you- as you guys!!" LTK101 flushed. "I used to be a pirate. I lived my whole life out at sea. We would go around exchanging resources with others and we would fish because fishies are rare, and so people would trade them for a lot of stuff." LTK101 explained.
"Whats a fishie? And who's 'we'?'" D103 asked. LTK101 rubbed his forehead. "Oh, F-Fish are these, like, sea creatures. And 'we'...." He teared up. "I had a crew."
"I was the Lieutenant. Second in command. My real name was Kwazii. And I was the grandchild of Calico Jack, one of the most respected pirates of all time. There was a lotta people. We had Ajax, Xerczes, Keanu, Danté, Reight, Kai, Corey, my grandad, and me. We were the crew. And everything was going great until it happened." Kwazii sighed.
"The raid. While we were here in the village, the 'great' dorm raided the townsfolk. They killed so many people. Including my crew and my grandad. But they kept me. I was a young, impressionable kid, and they, having a shortage of low-worths, hit me with that fucking memory eraser and shoved me into their little dorm. They made me a food worker because it was the easiest job for a dumb little kid. I'm probably not even the only kid they abducted..." he made a huff as he buried his head into his hands. "I'm so sorry LTK101... Kwazii..." P106 patted his back. Kwazii emitted a sniffle. Is he crying? More tears... P106 thought.
"I don't..." Veronica murmured. "I don't remember a raid."
"Thats because they hit you too!!! With the memory erasers. All of you." He cried angrily. "They popped in here, killed hundereds of people including Calico Jack, and erased your memories and just acted like it never happened!!!" He cried.
"Wait," a voice near the campfire spoke. It was Kayden. He approached the group of people at the campfire.
"Did you say Calico Jack was dead?"
Kwazii stared at him, alarmed, and quickly nodded.
"He's not dead." Kayden scoffed. "He came a couple weeks ago. Kwazii, don't ya recognize me?? I worked at the dock. We've chatted before."
Kwazii blinked. "Kay..den...?"
Kayden scoffed again. "At least ya know me name," he rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Wait!!" Kwazii yelled. "Oughhhh," He grumbled in frustration.
"So you had a name?" D103 asked, astonished.
"I... I like your name." She smiled awkwardly.
He put his hands up to his face. "Thanks.." he murmured. A couple of seconds of silence passed before he began to speak again. "So if Calico Jack's alive.... where might he be?"
"Well, he's a pirate, right? He must live down the river, near the sea." Veronica suggested.
"So if I took a ship down the river, it would take me down to sea?" He asked.
"Well.. yeah." She replied.

Kwazii entered the clinic as the numeral group got ready for bed. "Guys.. I'm leaving. I'm going to set sail to find me grandad."
"What?!" P106 turned to reveal his upset look.
"Kwazii, you can't be serious!! After all we've been through together?? Seriously??"
"I'll be back guys, don't worry... it's just... I have to find him again."
"Don't be ridiculous. What if you don't find him?!" DRSH102 said.
"I don't care. It breaks my heart that he thinks I'm dead. I can't keep living knowing how miserable he must be."
The moonlight reflected on his newborn teardrops. "I miss him so much,"
He hung his head down low as he continued to cry.
"Kwazii, I think you should go. But please don't go by yourself. I'll come with you." P106 offered. "You will?" Kwazii looked to him with vulnerable eyes. "Of course I will." He gave him a reassuring smile. "If you go, P106, I'll have to come with you. Its my duty to protect you." CTB105 joined in. "In fact, we should all go. T104, D103, DRSH102, are you in?"
"Heck yeah." T104 said.
"Of course I'll come, but only if everyone else does." D103 said.
"I still think its a stupid idea, but I suppose," DRSH102 shrugged. "Not like I have anything else to live for in this village. Besides, I finally get to see what that 'sea' in 'sea otter' means."
CTB105 smiled. "We should leave in the morning. It is too dark right now."
LTK101 trembled in disbelief. "You guys are the best," he sobbed. "Awwwhhh," P106 grinned. Kwazii wrapped his arms around P106 and gave him his first hug. P106 flushed. He didn't know what this was, but it was warm and comforting. When they departed, P106 gave him a curious look. "What was that?!" He asked.
"A- a hug." Kwazii said.
"Whats a hug?"
"Its a sign of affection." Kwazii hugged himself. "I kind of remembered how to do them again." He laughed. P106 giggled.

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