Chapater 1: The Start

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Bidoof heavily sighed. He had just failed the Guild examination for acceptance once again. He had been trying for a few weeks, but to no avail.

Chariot: " Bidoof... I suggest if you could. Find a partner who could assist you. Like the others." Advising that an exploration team isn't just about 1 Pokémon. That 2 or 3 is the usual.

Bidoof: " by golly if I could I would..." telling Chariot that it's been extremely difficult in finding/recruiting anyone who would want to join him. Or asking other teams if he could join.

There would be a few Pokémon who would give it a shot, but once they saw Bidoof in action or the way he acted they ended up backing out and didn't want to form a team with him. This made him feel extremely down, and made him stop looking for others.

Chariot: " you just haven't found the right ones yet. Keep at it surely you'll find someone who um.. takes to you..." Urging Bidoof to not give up. Although knowing himself that'll be hard.

Later that day, when Bidoof was in town. He overheard some Pokémon in town talking about the Corn Harvest. That the Autumn Fields would be in full bloom and that Corn would be aplenty.

Bidoof never passing up a good meal, decided to make his way down there.

Bidoof using his magnificent nose, smelt where the sweetest corn would be. Which would be in the deeper parts of the field. Tends to be somewhere in the center.

That's when he saw her.

Her beauty caught his eye. She was feasting on a cob of corn.

When she saw him, she stopped eating. And began to move somewhere else to feast.

Bidoof: " b-by golly I-I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll move." Thinking she was here first.

She looked at him, but didn't say a word. She still left.

Bidoof: " golly..." wondering if he said something wrong. In addition, was amazed to see a different fur color she had. It was gray instead of the usual golden. He heard from his mama that shiny Pokémon are Pokémon who are extremely rare because their fur or whatever is a different color than the normal standard.

But food was afoot, and he'd never pass that up. Deciding to feast upon the plentiful corn abundantly here.

" yup yup" Bidoof said, full. It was dark already.

" I'd better be getting back" Bidoof said, not realizing the time. Hoping he can make it back safely before he runs into any trouble.

But as soon as he got out of the fields he was stopped by a gang of thieves. Who wanted what little money he had on him.

Bidoof: " but that's all the money I have" knowing his family worked hard for him and gave him that money to sustain himself until he could get into the Guild. Tearfully.

" leave him alone." A voice called out. She sounded very serious, but Bidoof couldn't help but think that her voice was like heavenly hymns.

That's when Bidoof saw it was that same Ninetales he ran into earlier.

" ooo a Ninetales, their fur sells for a lot!" One of them said, telling the others that they should fight her and afterwards cut some fur from her.

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